late response..
ok, I need the first time (min?) from a column in say 4 cells beneath the column. 1 cell below I would like to have the last time (max?)
So the wanted results are per column, stated 4 and 5 rows below.
what I am trying to find is a formula I guess?
what should the macro look like?
I still can't succeed in making it work succesfully.
pretty obvious I started using VBA 2 days ago!
Problem however is that I am using with changing columns. For this reason I cannot work with reference cells and am, with my current knowledge, restricted to...
this does not work.. Prob because it then selects 00:00 as lowest time..
should I do something with 'Minimum' and 'is not zero'? would that be possible?
I am trying to select the first and last time and put it down in 2 columns. For this I am currently using:
' maximum tijd
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-2]C"
Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm"
'cel 1 naar beneden...
never mind for now.. I can work with it like this in the short run..
I have one last and big problem remaining..
my tables look like this:
HaltenaamRitnummers: 7001 7005 a7009 7013
Uithuizen, BusstationV 8:00 10:35
Uithuizen, Engersmastraat 8:01 10:36
Uithuizen, Hunsingoheerd 8:02...
The error occurs on:
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol + 1).Formula = "=" & & "!" & Sheets(sh).Range("a1").Address
I changed it into .Adresslocal but get an error.
It says error 13; types do not connect(?)
first step gives an error 13..
types do not compute(?translation?)
' Macro1 Macro
counter = 2
vcol = 1
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
Range("a1").Formula = "=" & Summary & "!" & Sheets(sh).Range("c1").Address
counter = counter + 1
Next sh
End Sub
2. The...
I created a sheet summary and right now am using the following:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
counter = 2
vcol = 1
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol + 1) = sh.Range("A1").Value
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol + 2) =...
ok, only problem remaining is that some information is given, without me asking for it.
the macro looks like this at the moment:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 summary
counter = 1
vcol = 1
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol + 1) =...
that works in some way. However, it now posts my info in a diagonal line down. It starts in EF10, FG12, GH14, and so on.
I changed counter into +1 and removed Vcol = vcol +1
now it starts in row AB, would like it to do so in row BC but don't see how to do so.. and what if I want to skip...
thanks to CK1999 I got this macro so far:
counter = 2
vcol = 1
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol) = sh.Range("A1").Value
Sheets("summary").Cells(counter, vcol + 1) = sh.Range("A2").Value
counter =...
I have 250 sheets with info as given below and would like it to be summarized in a one sheet. I would like this to look like:
MV BASIS/ MV KORT/ mv zomer/ MV VAK/
11/ A/ 84,00/ 63,00/ -/ -/
etc etc etc...
I tried your last post but can't seem to make it work.. It says it doesn't know
did I do something wrong with this?
I really don't know where to start with a macro like this!
The information on each sheet is as follows.
What I want to create is 1 sheet with a row in which most of this information is summarized, starting with, 11, next collumn, a, next collumn MV basis Ritten, next collumn MV basis DRU's, etc.
Nince I roughly have 250 sheets, I would like to use a...
that's perfect! thanks so much!
However, this brings me to the next step.. getting this info into one huge sheet. But I will post a new topic on this tomorrow morning!
thanks so much!
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