Thanks Guys,
Jason I will give this a try. I may also give Smeat's work around a try as well because it allows me to use the grid which is working fine except for the events. I know that this is a total work around and that there may be a proper way to do this but At this point I'm willing to...
hi jmeckley,
This is good stuff and I appreciate it. But the real problem is that I need row spans. So one cell may span 3 rows while the next cell is just the usual one row. let me see if I can diagram this.
Thank you for your analysis. They are kind of large methods, and I will try to refactor them some more. I can't however use a repeater because essentially I'm creating a scheduler and the some of the cells need to span several rows and appear as one cell. I've been able to do this with the...
funny you should mention it. it's not that easy to figure out after all. the problem is now that when I recreate the controls on the onclick event it doesn't hook up the eventhandlers because it does that somewhere between init and load so that ship has sailed and I get my controls but with no...
OK! Good news, The problem lies in the code that clears the table rows at the begining of the datatablemodel() method. when I comment that out it fires every time but I get two sets of rows. That is way easier to deal with. I guess just talking it through can help.
ok, here it is, I've truncated and pseudo coded it a bit but the important parts is there I'm not creating in the oninit, this is true all though i have tried it, I'll try again while you view this. thanks for taking a look.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Hi, I have data table that I create dynamically and add linkbuttons to then add the whole thing to a asp:placeholder. now when I get to the page, I click on a cell and it posts back, hits init and load then comes back. the second time i click on it, it posts back hits init and load then hits...
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