I have a folder containing a lot of subfolders ( 1 level down only). All of them are named on the format DDMMYYYY but I'`d like to change them all to YYYY_MM_DD
I can't figure out how to do it, I'm sure it's a simple routine but I tried everything
I really need to write my data in the registry otherwise I'll need to do some major modification to my code and I'm way to lazy to do it. If the HKLM is blocked where else in Vista can I write in the registry ?
I'm trying to write & edit registry values in Vista using :
Dim wsh
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
X = 1
wsh.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MySoft\SavedData\Profile" & X & "\ProjectName" & X & "\", txtProjectName.Text, "REG_SZ"
I'm getting a runtime error, Is there any...
Doesn`t work, even with the '/'
on my other webserver it did work with the mistaken '\'
Any other ideas ? I'm all out of options.
The person who answers that one will be named the VB god of the month !
I'm trying to create a routine that will upload the conent of a folder to a webserver using a FTP connecttion....the problem is that it works on one server but doesn't on my new hosting server
1- The FTP intitial directory after login is the root "/" directory
2- yes the ftp account has all...
thanks !!!!
but how do I add 2 constant to she shell procedure
I'd like the &H0& (display progress) + &H10& (apply the Yes to all)...Below is the original code to which I'll like to add the &H10& constant
ParentFolder = "D:\Archive"
Set objShell =...
I'm using a loop to upload all the files in a folder to a FTP server using the code below. The problem is that often not all the files are uploaded ????
Dim i As Long
Dim sError As String
Dim strFullPath As String, strRelativeName As String, strRelativePath As String
Dim objFTP As...
i need to save the content of a picturebox to a .jpg ( or .gif) file....but I need to make the background transparent because sometime the picture will be smaller than the picture box and the picturebox size must stay the same.
I found it ! It was a case of Code 12 ( the problem is located 12 inches from the screen !)
I had a piece of code n the Form_Activate that cleared all the textbox on my INFO form.
Sorry can't talk more, I have to go kick my own a..
On my form I have a button that pop-up another form asking the user to enter further information. the problem is that once the user click pn saves and return to the main form everything on that form has been erased ?? why ???
on the INFO form the button calling the pop-up has the folowing...
I'm using the following code to save the textbox:
Text144.Text = ""
strtxt = Text14.Text
arrlines = Split(strtxt, vbCrLf)
For Each strline In arrlines
Text144.Text = Text144 & strline & vbCrLf
FileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\temp\file.jfl" For Output As FileNum
I'm saving in a text file the value : 100,000 using :
FileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\temp\file.jfl" For Output As FileNum
Print #FileNum, Text1.Text
Close FileNum
and I'm reading the same file using :
FileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\temp\file.jfl" For Input As #FileNum
Is there a limit on the number of Forms or Modules a program may have ? I'm writing an app that will have over 50 different form and about 25 modules. Is it ok
I need to have a label say : your "name" is , including the brackets.
but when I code label.caption = "your "name" is "
I get an error message beause I use too many brackets. I know there's a way to hard code brackets in a string or label but I completely forgot how...
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