Hi All
i have:
<label for="txtProductHeight">Height:</label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtProductHeight" runat="server" MaxLength="10" Columns="5" CssClass="styled"></asp:TextBox> mm
<asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator1" runat="server"...
Hi All,
I am tryng to setup RS on a windows vista machine, but am having problem after problem. for some reason in Reporting Services Management i cant navigate to Windows Service Identity tab, i keep recieving a switching panels error, with a statement InvalidArgument = Value '1' is not valid...
Hi Guys,
I think i know why its happening i just a little bit stuffed on how to get around it. I have a page that uses some javascript to fill a textbox(it is a little bit more complicated, but that all works)
The problem is when i submit the page the values within the textbox are not...
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your input. I may have confused this in a way, it makes it sound like it is a bit of a shopping cart when a product has a brand, but its not, there is a brand selection process (for rebranding of buildings etc) so the products are base products that can be shared amongst...
hi Chrissie,
So i guess i leave it as it is. The BrandProduct Class simply deals with the creation and deletion of the association between the two. In my Product Class i can create a brands collection (or vice versa my brand class can have a collection of product) which can be lazy loaded to...
Hi All,
I was wondering if you could help me out a little. I have been on here before and i must admit i do find this architecture stuff confusing at times, unfortunantly i work alone and dont have people to bounce ideas off. Where i get confused is where to put things more than anything...
Hi All,
I have created a custom membership provider which now works nicely in my app. But what i want to do now is extend the identity object to include a couple of extra properties such as userID and fullName so that i can grab it out of the current context without having to go back to the...
Take a look at these aswell:
The framework is clever to accept your custom providers and user them as in essense you are extended their functionality and you have to implement all...
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the response. i might just do it through code as i generally prefer that too. The reason for the wrapper is just when i use my custom membership provider i have to create code to force the intialize method (cant use the default memebership class as it does not expose my...
Hi All,
I am in deperate need of some help. I have implemented my own extended membership provider so that i can have some more additional values stored with my user information. That is fine, and if i have to call my custom membership provider i do it through code. But for a neater...
Hi All,
although i have done this using several ways i am sitting here thinking what way is actually the best? I have a job search which will search against mutiple criteria. I have written stored procedures whith loads of conditional statments depending on what search criteria has been...
Hi Guys,
I have just started with OO and i think i look at things a bit too much. I have managed to apply a solution (i think). I created a base company class which itself contains common implementations of functions (insert, update, delete, getByID etc) and then have client and vendor which...
Hi All,
i have created an architecture. I have a base company class, of which client and vendor inherit. each of the client and vendor classes have their own set of configurations that are specific to them. So in my base company class i create a shared property which is an an interface...
Hi Jaxtell, i am not sure i explained myself in the best way, most of what you understood is correct but i dont think i explained the whole structure.
I have a baseCompanyDetails class of which is inherited by
clientDetails and VendorDetails as you correctly understood. These are basic...
Hi All,
I am getting my head round OO and am trying to write better applications usimg the techniques available. I am new to this so still get majorly stumped at times.
I have a baseCompany supertype which is abstract and from that i create two subtypes of my base which are client and vendor...
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