The "On key down" event of my form doesn't appear to be working. I just entered a very simple event
dim x as integer
x = 1
and set a breakpoint on the event, but it never gets called when I press a key. Is there another setting that may prevent this event from occuring?
I don't mind the undo function except that it has the undesired side effect of wiping out any text I manually program into the form when it opens (the RMA number). The RMA number is fixed, so it should never change and certainly should not be cleared when I press ESC. If I keep the ESC active...
I've created a form in Access 2000 that I use for entering RMA information. When I open the form, I create a new record in the table and assign the RMA based off the ID key number. I display the RMA number in a text box on the form. I've noticed that if the user goes to any text box on my form...
The AutoExpand property is set to TRUE, but it does not automatically drop down.
I see that it is for VB 6, but I assumed it would work the same way (that's what comes from an assumption :).
To give a more detailed example:
I have a combo box with a list of phone numbers. If the box starts...
I'm using Acess 2000 and I would like to have the combo box automatically drop down when I start typing in a number. I found this thread with the answer:
However, when I run the line
Call SendMessage(cb_phone_lookup.hWnd, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, 1, ByVal 0&)
VB gives me a compile...
I'm new to ADO, and I'm presently trying to understand how to create queries using ADO on Access 2000. I've got the following code written:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
strSQL = "SELECT ID FROM tbl_WorkOrder_Entry WHERE...
I'm presently working on an Access 2000 database to track field failures. I'm trying to perform a fairly straightforward task but have trouble getting the thing to work (I'm new to DB programming). I have one table that contains customer information (name,address,phone #, etc.). I have another...
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