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'Object Variables
SET objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
SET objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET objtextfile = objfso.OpenTextFile("C:\pmdata.csv")
Set clrprinters = objNet.EnumPrinterConnections
pcdomain = objNet.UserDomain
pcname1 =...
Think i've got it sussed now going to use ubound and add a seperate loop with a different split in it to add the printers should allow it go on add infintum in theory. Many thanks for all the help on this. I'll let you know how I get on.
Printer# one is used later on to give the name of the printer thats needs to be mapped.
see below:
DO Until pcname1 = masPC OR objtextfile.atendofstream
arrStr = split(objtextfile.ReadLine,",")
masPC = arrstr(0)
IF pcname1 = masPC THEN
Printer1 = arrstr(1)...
DO Until pcname1 = masPC OR objtextfile.atendofstream
arrStr = split(objtextfile.ReadLine,",")
masPC = arrstr(0)
IF pcname1 = masPC THEN
Printer1 = arrstr(1)
Printer2 = arrstr(2)
this method is working but i'm hoping to future proof the script so if the...
Hi wonder if anyone can help me with this. I have a csv file which contains a list of prtinters and the corrosponding machine name. I have the script pull the text out into a string array (correct term?) and then have it assign the printers
printer 1 = arrstr(1)
printer 2 = arrstr(2)
etc etc...
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