I have AR statements ran for the month ending July 31 2008, but when I do a reprint specifying the dates cutoff date being end of July 2008, its printing some invoices captured in the month of August 2008. I cant understand how because the last statement date showing under AR Customers tab is...
I am having problems with my AR Customers, under AR customers --- Processing tab. Each time I enter the credit bureau information for the customer after 1 or 2 weeks the date information under this dialog box will be gone. I have to contiually enter the date information and save the data but...
To Tuba2007
I mean on the updates done by each of these modules do on Serialised Inventory after doing any of the following:
Invoice Entry, Receipt Entry, Return Entry, PO Entry, Receipts, Shipments and Transfers.
I am having problems with Serialized inventory on the serial numbers. Day End...
I am having a problem with Serialized inventory. Each time I process a day end or do a post in Purchase order the system goes to each and every serial number in the system and add an entry in the Serialized inventory. If you open serialized inventory Serial number edit list menu , then go to...
I am having a problem with AR Customers Under Processing each time I enter the date for the customer in Credit Bureau Infomation, after saving the date and exiting AR customers when I later re-open the customer date information will be missing. What could be the problem.
Please help.
I am experiencing some problems when trying to post receipts in Receipt entry. Its coming up with the following errors
E – Record already exists
C – cannot insert in snumber. (but its not serialized item)
For the second error the receipt does not contain any serial numbers.
I have to try posting...
I have a Cash Book Batch with status of ready to post, if I try to open it it gives the error that I can only view its contents and no modifications can be made since its ready to post, but when I post it gives the error that there are no batches were found to post.
I have got a user who when she logs on to accpac on any PC and try processing invoices Accpac is very slow, but when other users use Accpac on that PC using the same module Accpac is fast. I have tried to run Regacc.exe but its not changing. am on accpac 5.4 and sql2000 database.
The for rank formula will reset to 1 when the when it reaches the point when customer revenue = 0 and then it will rank the customers with customer numbers alphabetically but these customers have revenue = 0 , then lastly it will reset to 1 again when it reaches customers with no customer...
I want to create a crystal report based on the following specs:. The report contains customers assigned customer numbers and these customers have got some accumulated revenue. The customers are sorted in Descending order based on the accumulated revenue. I want to have a rank field for these...
I have some CashBook batches which are marked with a status of being deleted is there a way I can change the batch status from being deleted to open / posted.
I am trying tom print statements but I am getting the following error. Incorrect procedure there are some incomplete statements. Should I do an incomplete statement run.
I am getting the following error when I try to process day end: Item <item number> is not serialized and the following error again cannot insert in snumber
I have checked but the print statements checkbox is checked for that particular customer. I only have problems if I try to run the statements for this customer on the 29 of feb. it gives the error that there are no specified records in the range
I am trying to print statements for a customer on the 29th of february but it comes up with an error which says "There are no records in the specified range". If I print for all customers it prints well but this particular customer is not printed. Please help I once had this problem before and...
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