Can anybody help me with following problem. I'm trying to use multievent. I created chkMultiUse and I'm trying to use it in sub myClickHandler, nut I'm getting error: Unable to cast object type Buttons to type CheckBox. I know should change in some way chkMultiUse. Please any help will be...
Can anybody help me with following problem. I'm trying to use multievent. I created chkMultiUse and I'm trying to use it in sub myClickHandler, nut I'm getting error: Unable to cast object type Buttons to type CheckBox. I know should change in some way chkMultiUse. Please any help will be...
I made sample database:
table Inv with fields
InvoiceId - autonumber
InvoiceDate - date
table Quo with fields
InvoiceId - autonumber
InvoiceDate - date
table Pro
ProductId - autonumber
ProductName - text
table InvPro
InvoiceId - number
ProductId - number
table QuoPro
InvoiceId -...
I have tried all possible combinations with append query and sql statements and it is not working.
When I want to append form Quotation that have subform Products to form Invoice that have subform Products.
I have created query InvoiceProduct that have fields InvoiceId
I did try creating select query with criteria in tblQuotes but it was still appending all data from product list.
I will try WHERE now, and let you know how did I go.
I did try append query as I said before I'm appending whole table products. All items are copied to Invoice form in stead only items in Quotation (exampl 233)
Sql was
INSERT INTO tblInvoice ( Item, Qty )
SELECT tblQuotes.Item, tblQuotes.Qty
FROM tblQuotes;
Hi Remou,
Tks for reply, I have tried append query, but than I'm
appending all product items from product table.
What I want is to append only selected items (ones that I have quoted in my quotation (exmpl quotation nr 223).
Like this if I have 200 items in my product table all 200 are append to...
Hi everybody,
I have following problem :
I want to import data from one form to other in same access program.
I have form 1 Quotation (in relation to Customer and Product items tables) and form 2 Invoices (in relation to the same tables)
I have created Quotation (nr 125,126,127) all...
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