Okay, I gave up on part of my original idea, and I have another 1/3 of it figured out. I just need the final piece of the puzzle.
I now have a formula that will count my calls by time period. The formula is:
=sumproduct(--hour(b3:b400)>=8),--(hour(b3:b400)<10)), etc., where column B contains...
Thank you, Yogi. The first 2/3 of the equation is already in place. Your above spreadsheet starts the info on column B, but in actuality, everything begins in column A, one column to the left. The goal is to summarize my activity (countif of column A) and productivity (sales, column G) by...
Again, thank you so much for your assistance with what must be a trivial matter to yourself.
I don't know how to post a spreadsheet, so let me send you a link to a practice spreadsheet:
Important: I have renamed...
Yogi, you're a master! The final piece of the puzzle is the criteria. Regardless of the number of calls I receive, they all fit into 1 of 4 criteria. I'm currently using countif to count the calls by criteria (=countif(a3:a450,"criteria1") for each criteria. If I can also break those down by...
Thank you. I wish I knew how to upload a spreadsheet, which would make everything much easier to explain. Your above spreadsheet seems like it's on the right track. Here is a very truncated sample spreadsheet.
Criteria | Time | Name | Phone# | # of Sales
Thank you and Yes! Yes! Yes! I love these problems because they afford me the opportunity to learn more about Excel and grow. I'll stay on it until I get an answer that works because I really can use the solutions.
First of all, thank you very much to Skip for opening my eyes to pivot tables. I will get more familiar with them and incorporate them into what I do in the future.
Thank you also to Mr. Milson for showing me where to find that formula. I knew there had to be a way to do it; I just didn't...
I've learned a lot since I first posted yesterday, and I'm very appreciative for the assistance offered. I probably will use pivot tables for other things in the future. They just won't work for this particular project the way I have it formatted.
If I could just do some sort of count formula (countif?) of the times in column B by time period, I'd have this thing licked. I just don't know how to ask Excel if a call took place within a certain time period; e.g., at or after 2:01 PM and at or before 4:00 PM. I can write the rest of the...
Sumproduct doesn't care how many blank spaces I have, and that's why I use it, and why pivot tables don't work for me.
Thank you again for a valiant effort.
Skip, thank you so much for hanging in there with me.
I did drag the time field to the column area.
Now that could be the problem. Rather than have a date column, I separate the calls for each day by a blank space, so some rows are blank. And even though I specified the entire range in the...
Thank you again, Skip.
When I do that, Excel lists my individual times in several rows, which run out to column IV and stop at 5:13 PM. Over 15%+ of my calls are taken after that time. Additionally, when I right-click the Time heading, select Group & show detail, then GROUP, I get a message...
Thank you, Skip. I don't know how to post an actual spreadsheet, so let me try this.
Current columns (truncated for brevity)
Criteria | Time | Name | Phone | No. of items ordered
There are 4 different criteria, which we can call criteria1, criteria2, etc. The relevant columns, of course...
Thank you, BlueHorizon. The problem I have with Pivot Tables is I don't know which field to drag where. I did try it a couple of times, and it just breaks my calls down by time; e.g., it will list each individual call by the time it was received, and if there's more than one that come in at...
At work, I created a single-page spreadsheet with a sumproduct formula to count data that meets certain criteria and how many sales result from the data that meets the criteria. I also notate the time of each data occurrence. Now I just need to break the relevant data into time periods...
The subject of this forum hits close to a question I've been pondering. In fact, I found this forum on a google search.
At work, I created a single-page spreadsheet with a sumproduct formula to count data that meets certain criteria and how many sales result from the data that meets the...
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