Keep getting syntax error upon trying to run the following.
Any clue as to what I am missing?
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Private Sub TransferToExcel()
On Error GoTo Err_TransferToExcel
Dim query As String
Dim file As String
query = "qryFindAllEligDates"
file =...
Client Eligibility table fields include the following;
"CL.SYS_CLIENT_NBR" should have been displayed in the SELECT clause of the sql script that was initially...
Tested to see if the query is extracting the initial ClientStartDate and it appears that it is.
However, I am not certain that the associated "MktCode" and "PlanCode" are being extracted. Will conduct more tests of data to determine if the query is performing as planned.
So, by...
Have a sql server database that stores information about clients such as the date/month that the client initial became a client (initial client span) and the MktCode and PlanCode for the clients.
Sometimes the clients terminate service that is recorded in the field titled "ClientEndDt." If a...
Familiar with using the following to convert dates within Sql Query Analyzer;
convert(varchar,START_DT,110) SeriesStartDt
Question - How do I convert a exponential number to a non-exponential number?
Currently, when I run the query in SQL Query Analyzer and then import the results into...
Imported text file into Access table and field names did not import correctly. (Field names are in row 30!)
Currently, field names are field1, field2, field3, etc.
I assume that I can modify the code below to not only change the field names but also to specify the data type in the field. Is...
AND (client_id number between '124.5' and '130.5')
or (client_id number between '305' and '340.2')
does not work.
I still receive records that violate the first criteria.
I believe that the use of "or" is the problem. Therefore, how should the WHERE clause be rewritten so that I extract all...
Is it possible to specify multiple criteria within the WHERE clause of a sql query that invoves multiple instances of a range of numbers?
For example,
Select Client_Name, Client_ID, Service_Date
Where Service_Date > '05/01/2006' AND '04/15/2007'
and Client_id number between '124.5' and...
Not obtaining the correct result set using the following in the WHERE clause in a SQL Query Analyzer query;
Where client_id number between '124.5' and '130.5' or between '305' and '340.2' or between '409.1' and 415.25'
In other words, some of the records in the result set shouldn't be there...
Using the following formula to calculate the age;
=DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"md")&" days"
Sometimes, the result displayed in the cell location within Excel is "days."
Any clue as to what is going on and how...
Not quite able to figure out the problem/resolution to the following query not extracting data. Query is designed to extract all current employees for the month-employees that do not have a eligible begin dt prior to the first day of the month. (Note, employees can have multiple elibility...
Actually, I am not picking up the correct amount using the formula provided.
I currently have something like "=sumproduct((Account=A2)*(Paid))
Did try your formula as well.
The result desired, using the example provided, is for
$600 to be in the "sumproduct column" for Account 12463 and $425...
Need to solve a problem.
Have an Excel worksheet with the following columns;
How can I sum up the total paid amount by Account No using a sumproduct formula?
I am aware of using...
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