I have 2 tables - orders and orderitems. I need to make two refund tables that are exactly like orders and orderitems. I did this, no problem.
Now I have a refund form that users will use when doing an order refund that should write new records to the refund_orders and refund_orderitems...
I finally made a little more progress, however, I'm still stuck in the same place. I copied and pasted the (structure, not data) and tried my "insert" on that table and it works. But when I try the same statement on the original table, I get the same Arithabort issue.
Any ideas?
Here's the basic insert statement I have (see below). I talked to a developer of the 3rd party application and he said "On to the ARITHABORT problem - "SET ARITHABORT ON" needs to be executed on the connection being used. I'm not familiar enough with Access, can that be done in your...
We have a 3rd party application that we use that uses SQL Server. I don't know too much about SQL Server; I think we only have the client version installed?
I can access the SQL Server tables through Microsoft Access (via the SQL Server ODBC driver) and run lots of queries and updates which I...
We have a 3rd party application that we use that uses SQL Server. I don't know too much about SQL Server; I think we only have the client version installed?
I can access the SQL Server tables through Microsoft Access (via the SQL Server ODBC driver) and run lots of queries and updates which I...
I actually love Access for many reasons but I HATE HATE HATE the reporting module. I've gotten by so far without needing to write a report in years, but now I need just a basic customer invoice that looks PROFESSIONAL which is nothing I could accomplish in Access. Are there report templates...
I should also mention that the Code field is a lovely Memo field so when I do an inner join on the Code field, I always get an error about how I can't join to a memo field.
I'm really struggling with this. I have this query:
SELECT OrderNumber, Code, dbo_OrderItems.Status
FROM [Picking], dbo_OrderItems, dbo_Orders
WHERE ((clng([Picking].CONumber)=dbo_Orders.OrderNumber) And (([Picking].ItemNo)=dbo_OrderItems.Code) And (([Picking].isShort)=-1) And...
I hardly ever write VBA code but through a lot of research
I was able to put this together (below). The code is supposed to take Order Item records from an Access query, group them by Order Number, and put the information into a fixed-length file (there is one file for each order). It was...
Thanks for the posts, guys. We found this application here http://www.4tops.com/ that will do a e-mail merge with Access data and seems pretty sophisticated and easy to use. In the help there were instructions on how to add the code. We're having trouble getting support from the company...
We have a program that sends e-mails through Outlook and Outlook previously popped up with an error warning that an outside program was trying to send a message. To get around this error, we were told to enter this VBA code:
Public Function ammolSendMail(strTo As String, _...
Thanks, Duane. That simple question totally made me realize what I was doing wrong. I should have linked everything by OrderItemID instead of OrderID.
Thank you!
I have two tables a, b. Table A has a bunch of data. Table B has nothing in it (the two fields in the table are Order Number and Notes).
My query pulls a bunch of data from A and then you can type in a comment in the Notes field that then gets written to table B.
My query looks like this...
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