I'm trying to write a formula that selects dates from a table but does not select any dates starting with -
I've tried using Day({date_field}) <> 1 and
month({date_field}) but this also excludes all dates starting with 1
OK, the report looks like -
Company Name Reg Status Reg Type Reg Date
Company 1 Active ACT 12/11/2007
Company 1 Active SCT 09/09/2007
Company 1 resigned ACT 06/06/2007
And I need to just display information for the first line (on the...
The date fields are not displayed just the details of the most recent application, the dates can be both in the past and future, and there can be any number of them
Does anyone out there know how to do this?
I have two records for the same company and I want to select the record that has an application date nearest to the current date, is there a formula that I can write to do this??
Thank you
The formula will be just a DateAdd using each positon of I (as I is an instance of sickness on a register), to work out the date of each I(or 'illness').
I've setup the array as Ian described but am now getting
subscript must be between 1 and array size -
posI[countI]:= strpos;
Any ideas?
Just wondering if anyone out there can help me with this:-
I'm searching a large string for all instances of character 'I' and need to establish not only the number of instances of 'I' but also their position within the string (ie - 1st/2nd etc).
I know I can use:-
numberVar z := InStr({field...
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