Thanks, pwise, for your reply. I'm sorta following what this will do, but not entirely. I created tblDigits of 1-1825 but could not create the query (reported: error on JOIN operation). Just to be clear, this is the output result I am looking for. (Can be query or a report generated by script.)...
Hi fellows: I am at a complete lost as to how to construct a query or report to answer this question. Any help is greatly appreciated. The question I need to answer is this:
Identify the SchID and month for each SchID/Month combo for which there is not at least one associated AttendanceDate...
I need to create an export file for the following brutal query to upload into a state database (go figure it's a government report!) All was good in my world until I tried to export. Manually or TransferText, didn't matter, it just hated me. The above error stopped me cold in my tracks...
Thanks for the tip... I did just that and also incorporated a subquery (a first for me) to convert Null to a "FakeEnd" first, evaluate, and then convert it back to Null in the MetaQuery for use! Whaddayaknow, it worked! Here's the end product:
SELECT tblKids.KidID...
Hi Experts and Fellow Duffers:
I am trying to create a query which will identify the most recent EndDate in tblSchedules associated with tblKids.KidID where a Null value (indicating a current schedule) is the most recent.
Max(EndDate) doesn't recognize Null as the highest value. Last(EndDate)...
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