Skip I am trying to make the scatter plot graph dynamic. For example I have 5 sets of columns each set containing 12 colums to denote 12 months wihtin a year. Each column set has a toggle button. When I push a toggle button It will hide one of the 5 column sets from the source data and the xy...
am trying to use a toggle button in excel to change the color of certain points on a xy scatter plot based on the xy values from a data sereies. I wrote a macro that changes a specific point on the gragh,but i am trying to understand how to change the color based on the xy values of the data...
Thanks for the Help I am still having problems on where to insert the TOP Value SQL exression. I am trying to get the top 3 in my query to show up in my subform6. I attempted to write another sql command titled strGetSQL. Everytime I try to run this there says there is a syntax error.Any...
Thanks but I am still a little unclear as to where to insert the query. I have been trying to insert the top 3 query expression yesterday with little sucess. I keep on getting syntax errors. Below I am going to past where I believe is the correct place to put the qurery. Could you please...
I am trying to enter in a zip code in a combo box to show which service agents are the closest to the customers based on mileage. The mileage is used to calculate the travel cost which was done in a previous query. How would I filter my results to just show the three cheapest milage costs? Below...
I am trying to enter in a zip code in a combo box to show which service agents are the closest to the customers based on mileage. The milage would then be used to calculate the travel cost. How would I filter my results to just show the three cheapest milage costs? Below is my code I have been...
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