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Search results for query: *

  • Users: DebbieCoates
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  1. DebbieCoates

    Automatically detect Enter Key

    Thank you for your reply I've managed to achieve what I wanted by useing Private Sub txtURN_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If (KeyAscii = 13) Then Call cmdURNSearch_Click End If End Sub I
  2. DebbieCoates

    Automatically detect Enter Key

    I have a form with a text box in and a command button. At the moment a user types something in the text box and then clicks the button. is there a way that rather than having to click the button I can automatically detect if the enter key has been pressed, and then do the command button ?
  3. DebbieCoates

    SQL Server Authentication Mode

    Can anyone help me I have seriously messed up my SQL Security on my local SQL server. i am trying to set it back but I cant. i tried Deleting my sql Server registration, then adding it again, but that didn't work. what I did was change it to SQL and windows authentication, however, when I try...
  4. DebbieCoates

    SQL Server Authentication Mode

    Can anyone help me I have seriously messed up my SQL Security on my local SQL server. i am trying to set it back but I cant. i tried Deleting my sql Server registration, then adding it again, but that didn't work. what I did was change it to SQL and windows authentication, however, when I try...
  5. DebbieCoates

    SQL statement not passing from vb

    i have a SQL statement that i am passing via VB, but for some reason I am getting an error saying that there is a missing operator in string, and yet when i run the statement I am trying to pass in the sql query analyser, it works perfect, has anyone any idea's why? Dim sSQL As String sSQL =...
  6. DebbieCoates

    Executing a stored proceedure from VB6

    if i have already set a connection up to my server can i then use this in vb to execute a stored proceedure dim str as string str = cnn.Execute sp_GetPCON 'input parameter' so that str will now contain the output parameter of my stored proceedure, or do i have to set up a command object?
  7. DebbieCoates

    String manipulation with wildcards

    brilliant, after hours of messing about, i swopped the * for % and it works great, many thanks
  8. DebbieCoates

    String manipulation with wildcards

    I am in vb, but connecting upto sql
  9. DebbieCoates

    String manipulation with wildcards

    can anyone spot what I am doing wrong here, i think it is becasue of the quotes I am using, but cant work out how to put them I am using this sSQL = "Select * from V_SOAPostCodeSearch where PCID Like '" & sPostcode & "*'" which gives me this Select * from V_SOAPostCodeSearch where PCID Like...
  10. DebbieCoates

    setting up an DAOconnection to sql

    can anyone point me in the right direction, having spent the past 3 hours looking at this, I am going up the wall. I am working on a database that someone else has set up. the vb front end is connection to SQL 2000, using a DSB. its been set up so that the database connection is created once...
  11. DebbieCoates

    combo box index

    i am using the following proceedure to fill a combo box on my form. Public Sub FillCombo(objComboBox As ComboBox, strSQL As String, strFieldToShow As String, Optional strFieldForItemData As String) Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset 'Load the data Set rs = GetRecordset(strSQL) With objComboBox...
  12. DebbieCoates

    Clear a from

    I've had a look on the net, and found a sub that someone had written that does what I want Shuld anyone else want it, it is Public Sub MyResetControls(frmMyForm As Form) On Error GoTo Err Dim Control As Object For Each Control In frmMyForm.Controls Control.Text = ""...
  13. DebbieCoates

    Clear a from

    i have various forms in my database that as I select a project, will fill all the field on the form. Rather than writing FieldA= "" FieldB= "" FieldC= "" FieldD= "" etc etc everytime I have to clear the form, I thought I would write a function, where I passed in the form name, and then clear...
  14. DebbieCoates

    Print a form

    spot on, Thank You
  15. DebbieCoates

    Print a form

    I am looking at a database that is in use the the company I work for. on every from in the database is a print button, and behind it the code On Error GoTo failure Select Case Printer.Orientation Case Is = vbPRORLandscape Me.PrintForm Printer.EndDoc Case Is =...
  16. DebbieCoates

    Combo box, method o data member not found

    got it Private Sub CboCountries_Click() With CboCountries MsgBox .ItemData(.ListIndex), vbInformation End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() Dim sql As String sql = "select * from T_country" Dim rsCountries As New ADODB.Recordset rsCountries.Open sql, cnn...
  17. DebbieCoates

    Combo box, method o data member not found

    sorry, I have sorted the (0) out now, that was what was causing the problem. you mentioned this line of code .ItemData(.NewIndex) = rsCountries![CountryID] what is it doing exactly? is it somehow saving the countryid in an array? or am I just wishfull thinking. I am so used to using...
  18. DebbieCoates

    Combo box, method o data member not found

    your guess is right, i want to show the countries, but store the country id. I've just tried your code. I keep getting an error on the .clear saying Method or data member not found, do you know why this is? if i create an array, how can i see this? ie i wanted to test it out with afterupdate...
  19. DebbieCoates

    Combo box, method o data member not found

    Actually I think I have got it now, I changed it to Dim sql As String sql = "select * from T_country" Dim rsCountries As New ADODB.Recordset rsCountries.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly With Me.CboCountries(0) .Clear Do .AddItem rsCountries![CountryID]...

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