hm, for multiselect listbox this Get_Selected_Index() will just return index of one selected item, the one it first comes across, which will be the one with lowest index. Even for singleselect listbox it would return the index of the item that was selected before current MouseDown event...
ListIndex property will give me index of last selected item (multiselect list) but I need to catch index of an item during the MouseDown event. At that moment the item on which user press the mouse is not jet selected therefore ListIndex property doesn't help.
The reason I need all of this is...
I'm developing aplication in MS Access 2003 where I have a form with one listbox holding more items than can be shown at once. Whenever user click on some item I want to calculate (in mousedown and mouseup event) listindex of that item.
Only way I figure I could do it is dividing Y coordinate...
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