I have one of my many web pages in a frame. This page has three frames: one for the header, one for navigation, and one for the main content of the page.
When I click on a link in the navigation frame it opens the other web page in the right frame. That's not what I want to happen...
I added the plugin that I used for Firefox into Opera\programs\plugins and it still didn't show. The plugin is called np-mswmp.dll. Is this the wrong plugin? I went into Advanced -> Plugins on Opera and it also lists video/x-ms-wmv. Is that the right one? Thanks!
Opera is version 9.23 and I'm using Windows Vista, but I've also tried it in Windows XP with the same results. I'll look into the movie plugin, but I thought it would ask you to download the plugin automatically when I opened the page. Is that not correct? Thank you for your help thus far! I...
I open my web page in IE and Firefox. Both display my movie, but when I open it in Opera, the movie doesn't even show on the page. Can anyone help with this issue? Thank you!
Here is the code used for the embedded movie:
<object type="video/x-ms-wmv" data="runescape_collab.wmv"...
The negative value in #wrapper was the problem. I got some help with a sticky footer and they had told I needed that negative value, but apparently I don't because it works fine in IE and Firefox now. As to absolutely positioned elements, how would I get them where they are without that? Keep...
Here is the HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
I can render my website fine in IE, but when I go to Firefox I have a problem with my header. It places my header slightly above the window viewing area. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
These is what I have for the header code:
#header {
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