Hello again!
I've just found a script online which is exactly what I'm after - only trouble is, when I incorporate it into my html document it doesnt work?
<script type='text/javascript'>
function enlargeImage1(){
function dropImage1(){
Hi Everyone!
I am in need of a Contact Us Validation Form - I've been using getElementbyID & if else statements but I'm coming unstuck a bit.
These are the requirements for the form:
First Name
Postcode (min 4 max 4 digits)
Nature of Enquiry (drop down menu - with default...
Jeff I actually prefer yours (sorry Dan)
Any idea how I could add a pop up box after the 'i agree' box has been ticked saying 'enter site' as a secondary precaution.
Thanks again
Very very much appreciated.
Ah what a great site!
Thanks guys (sorry it just comes out automatically!! I'll try and change honest!!)
I am def not one of those who believes men are better at coding than women etc - in fact I absolutely love coding (am I sad??? I think I may be!!).
I'll try your codes and report back...
Oh dear Dan!
Sleep well did you???
For your information, I'm from Australia and we use that expression for both male and female.
Apologies if I've upset you.....but.......lighten up!
Thanks for your help anyway!
I'm after a bit of help - hope thats ok?:)
I need a JS to go on an entry page to my website. Basically the viewer needs to check a licence box stating they agree, and on checking that box, they are then forwarded to the home page.
Your help is very much appreciated :)
Thanks very much...
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