Than you Ian for support and I am sorry that I don't really make my self understood.
The fields
period CF Margin
2009 03 10 000 0,13
Are known (retrieved from database), the field CF*Margin is simple
The issue is how to get the reversed summary of, firstly...
That is the ultimate goal, however I do not have the reversed summmaries in the group footer. That's the $1m question I have tried to solve.
To my knowledge that would be quite difficult since qrystal is "printing" the reports detail level by detail level. But I guess that there is a twist to...
Sorry Ian for not beeing "crystal-clear" :)
the column I miss in my report is the last one, how I get there is of les importance. The columns that I am able to generat as of now is teh first 4, Period to Cash flow* margin.
An other piece of information that I forgot is that the data presented...
I would like to get a weighted average field on a set of data in crystal v. 11.
Mathematically one may either have a reversed running sum field or a matrix (sum product in excel syntax). Do any one have any ideas how to proceed, my forehead are about to burst after banging the wall...
I would like to get som help with a function that I wrote, I would like the function to give me timebuckets from a string. This is were I am @ the moment:
Function Test(Period As Double) As Double
Dim M As String
Dim Y As String
M = Right(Period, 2)
Y = Left(Period, 4)
If M = "05" Then...
I really appreciate you help. But I cant get the damn "timer" to "time" the msgbox.
Could you (or anyone else who are interested) please help me again?
Anyone has a tip how to smoothley create a msgbox to either start or stop the process at startup of a scheduled task. AND the main q, how to activate the process if neither option i chosen. This is since the proces is atomatically ran during nigths, bu I would like to have an option to...
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