Apologies, if I am confusing everyone. First, let me go through the reference materials posted by Tom. Then I will have good understanding and hopefully can ask better questions.
Thanks for all your inputs.
Just to clarify, we have major desktop application that was built in VFP. We are doing some co-operation with a third party tool (About 10 fields get imported and exported back). There are many business reasons to do this. From the end user point of view, we can...
Thanks for opening up another avenue for this Chriss!
My understanding is for someone else to use our service, we need to create and host a service. Please correct me if I am wrong.
We have a VFP application and a client app needs to export some data from it and our VFP app need to import some...
I would like to create a Webservice in VFP that can do HTTP GET/POST/PUT. We are not allowed to use any third party tools. We need to connect with another modern app to export/import data.
I am fairly new to this concept and learned from this forum while ago about how to consume data using...
Thanks for sharing the knowledge Chriss.
SELECT * FROM oldtable into TABLE newtable
This command created DBF and FPT only. No index CDX were created.
Anyway, the timing is not a big deal. This table conversion is just a one time thing. I am good with all of your feedback.
Tried the conversion with SET EXCLUSIVE, it still took about the same amount time (about ah hour), but it is not an issue. All good.
Thanks for all the help and knowledge sharing!
Thank you both!
For the converted table without type changes, Sys(2029) returned 245 (Previous versions of FoxPro with a memo field). Yes, I can open it in both versions.
Then tested another table with adding an Integer, Sys(2029) returned 48 (Visual FoxPro with or without a memo field). No...
How do I convert an old foxpro 2.x table to a VFP9 version? Opened the table in VFP and added a field and did re-index. Would that do it? How do I check that it was updated?
This is the table structure.
Project_id N(10)
Task_id N(10)
User_id C(10)
Notes M
Bill_hours N(8,3)
isBillable L
Thanks Rick, that did it!
Those parameters are 0 in Excel.
Thank you everyone for all your inputs.
Thanks for all of your inputs.
Able to insert a picture at a specific location. Recorded a macro to resize the picture. But having some trouble converting into VFP code.
This is the excel macro for resizing.
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 0.6465763895, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft...
How do we insert a picture in a specific location in excel and adjust it's size?
This inserts the picture. Need assistance with scaling.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oWorkbook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add()
oSheet1 = oWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
oPictures = oSheet1.Pictures...
Thanks Rick for your mini story, it is fun [bigsmile]. It stays fresh in memory when we make it enjoyable.
I may not apply apply this question. But I can definitely make use of it for other purposes.
I got the solution from this forum. Yes, this solved it.
b = "DAVID~" &&Added '~' at the end
?ALLTRIM(b)$ a
Learned from Mike, optimal solution is to do '~' at the begging and end. It can handle all the scenario.
Learned something from All, thanks for your assistance.
First off I made a mistake on the question, my apologies. However, I learned the correct way to do this from Griff's answer.
b = "DAVID" &&I wrote this as "DAVIDLU"
?ALLTRIM(b)$ a
I am searching for a word in a string using '$', it did not work for the below scenario.
?ALLTRIM(b)$ a &&This returns TRUE
I was expecting a FALSE. Is there any other way to do this?
Please assist. Thanks!
Tried with 1GB memory, could not allocate to 2GB because of the system limitations.
First Run
Second Run
I think I can look for improvements in other places to speed up the loading time. However, I have learned a lot more about Rushmore from this post.
Chriss, the answer to your...
Thank you for all the feedback! I have been learning new things from your discussions and thought process, though some are too deep and could not get my head around.
Experimented with the SQL Rushmore suggestion and this is the outcome in seconds.
Test 1
Test 2
The existing SEEK and...
I like to optimize some old code here. Not sure it will have any negative impact.
SEEK cur_projid &&PrjTime table has an index on project id
SUM NOOPTIMZE while (project_id = cur_projid) prj_hours to total_prjhours
Would removing the NOOPTIMZE cause any issues?
Please assist...
Thanks for the suggestion Tamar!
It asks for many other parameters.
It would not allow to skip any, says "parameters are not optional".
Is there any other simpler way to do this?
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