I've got the original gig in A1 and B1, the new stuff in A2 and B2.
The system boots, but only recognizes a gig of RAM. Strangely enough, according to CPU-Z the RAM in A2 and B2 (the new stuff) is being used, as opposed to the original stuff in A1 and B1. The motherboard manual says to place...
Thanks for the quick reply!
My motherboard is an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe. I can't seem to find its specs anymore, but Asus produces an A8N32-SLI Deluxe ( http://usa.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=3&l2=15&l3=226&l4=0&model=744&modelmenu=2 ) which I'd imagine has to be similar.
My processor is an AMD...
I upgraded my desktop after returning from Basic Training two years ago. I purchased a gig (two 512 sticks) of Corsair RAM (DDR 400 PC3200).
Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145450
My hard drive crapped out on me recently, so I thought I'd toss in another...
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