But here's my next problem. I think it's a problem with this line, as indicated by the "resize":
attachEventListener(window, "resize", checkBrowserWidth, false);
Basically the code is only executing if a user resizes his browser. How would I make it so the code checks...
That did work. I changed it to this and it worked:
if (theWidth < 915)
document.cookie = "farland_res_layout=" + escape("globalsmall");
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var loop=0, max=anchors.length; loop<max; loop++) {
That seems like what I need, but I am having a bit of trouble making it work. Thanks for your patience with a newbie :).
The idea is to check browser width and call a separate style sheet if the browser is <915 res (code was modified from the Man in Blue's code).
What I'd like to do is...
Is there a way to use javascript to make a link point to a different place? In other words, I want to make all links to maps.html point to mapsthumbs.html under a certain condition.
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