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Search results for query: *

  1. 664950

    HP1200 printers problem

    I'm having serious problem with CR 8.5 and HP1200 printers. I am getting message "Crystall Reports Error printing on LPT1" periodically, and only way to get everything to work is to reinstall printer driver. When such event occur, spooler is full, but printer does not print. This happens once in...
  2. 664950

    Encrypting/Decripting of Credit Card Numbers

    Here is a simple funcitions that can solve your problem... procedure TMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; sRet : String; sPom : String; sPassWord : String; begin sPassWord:=ParamStr(4); sRet :=''; sPom :=''; For i:=1 to (Length(sPassWord) div 2) do begin sPom...
  3. 664950

    Hex to decimal

    How to get decimal value of hex var? I don't understand how to use StrToInt function
  4. 664950

    String conversion

    Thanks a lot, it seems to be OK.
  5. 664950

    String conversion

    When I put DecryptStr := Chr(Ord(sPom[1]) + EncCode); it is OK
  6. 664950

    String conversion

    Not enough actual parametars
  7. 664950

    String conversion

    This is a little program I tried to convert from VB to Delphi. I have error in line DecryptStr := DecryptStr + Chr(Ord(sPom[1]) - EncCode); unit fileEncriptDecript; interface uses Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls,StrUtils; implementation Function Add128(strul ...
  8. 664950

    Connection problem

    It is Informix 7.2 on SCO UNIX 5 with Bourne shell.
  9. 664950

    String conversion

    Thank you And reverse char to string please?
  10. 664950

    Connection problem

    No they are not, I have over 250 users
  11. 664950

    Connection problem

    I immediately need script for killing inactive database connections on my server. My company uses ADO and it leaves many connections that are not active
  12. 664950

    String conversion

    PLease tell me how to pass string to Ord(x) function. How to convert string to char data type because my x is string and ord(x) is working with char
  13. 664950

    Database connections

    OK I did it and it works. But I'm quite shure that I have tried something like that in the past, but I had error message. Thanks, Bojan
  14. 664950

    Database connections

    Why does my ADO connection remains after I do connection.close? It seems that database connection is closed but is still visible on connections list on UNIX server. This is a real problem considering problem of connection licencing. So I have up to 10 connections from the same client although I...
  15. 664950

    Registration problem

    I wish to deploy my VB6 application with CR designers. I have coppied all *.dll files to my winnt/system32 folder and done regsvr32 craxdrt.dll;regsvr32 crviewer.dll;regsvr32 crystl32.ocx. On some (not all) Win NT 4.0 maschines I had message: "Cant load library, GetLastError returns...
  16. 664950

    Subreport programming

    Please help me I am using CR designer control and I want to use ADODB recorset as datasource for my subreport. But when I insert it in main report, event code is not imported. Also my subreport does never go into Sub Report_Initialize(). So what are my alternatives?
  17. 664950

    Integration VB & CR

    Please help me with the problem of deployment of VB 6 applications that are using CR designer control. Which dll's I need to copy and register in order to deploy application. And what about licencing?
  18. 664950

    Crystal Reports & VB Deployment

    How to deploy VB6.0 applications With CR 8.0 designers. At the moment my deployed app. doesen't work without CR instalation. I have tryed with "References" in VR but it doesen't help.
  19. 664950

    CR9 & VB6

    Can I use CR9 with VB6. I already have CR8 in my applications so will I have problems with this?
  20. 664950


    My CR does not export to any but HTML format, instead I have 0 bytes made files. This is happening until recently. I have installed CR again, but it doesn't work still. Help needed.

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