Hi there,
Can anyone tell me the syntax I need to use to achieve the following...
I wish to count all results in a data column that contain a certain text string (in my case it's the code "CTF" or "GLCP").
...can anyone help?
Hi there,
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure as to why I seemed to have no problem with this in version 6, but my data is being split into three worksheets in version 7. That seems to be a bit of a thinker. To get round this I used VB coding to combine all three worksheets onto one (although I...
Hey Lex,
Seems to work fine HOWEVER (and I'm sure you're sick of hearing that!) if I run this report manually and export to PDF, all columns are shown on the same page in the PDF document, however running the same report through the macro and some of the columns are on separate pages!
Hi Lex,
Kind of figured it would be yourself replying ;-)
Right, I'm in the process of extracting this data so I'll let you know how I get on. I REALLY hope to avoid manually putting it all back onto one sheet!
Hi there,
I have recently upgraded from Cognos Impromptu Series 6 to 7. I need to run a full extract from our database (30,000+ rows) and export into excel. In version 6 this would export onto one worksheet but in 7 it splits it by Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
Can anyone help me?
Hi again Lex,
The line...
objImpRep.ExportExcelWithFormat "F:\Cognos MI Suite\E-Leads.xls"
...works a treat however I still can't figure out how to extract into ".pdf" format? I've had a look through ther manuals I have but can't seem to locate anything, sorry to be a pain!
Hi Lex,
Okay I've checked and the although when you run a report in Cognos the date can be entered dd/mm/yy, the prompt manager has it stored as yyyy-mm-dd I've tested it and it works perfectly! So a BIG thank you for helping me here!
The only other question I have is around export format.if I...
Hi Lex,
Thanks for your help, I have updated my macro to...
Sub Extract()
Dim objImpApp As Object
Dim objImpRep As Object
Dim StartDate As String
Dim EndDate As String
StartDate = txtStartDate.Text
EndDate = txtEndDate.Text
Set objImpApp =...
Hi there everyone,
I'm new to the forum and indeed new to using Cognos! I was looking for some help. I have written a very simple bit of code (using VB6) to open Impromptu, login and extract a report to .csv. Now this seems to work however I'm not sure that I have declaired my variable dates...
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