I really appreciate your time and understanding on this. Sorry again for not being clear. I guess it is easy to see when I have the problem compared to what I am saying. I will try harder next time to be more precise in what I need and try to use the TGML tags as well.
You did hit...
Sorry for being so hard to understand. I am self taught at this so I ask you to bear with me.
As for saving the file I didn't worry about including a command to save it scince Word automatically asked you to save it. Part of that is done earler in the macro.
All I was trying to do was show...
I made a Macro to add new customers to a table and keep track of there data in a seperate file. All the files are kept on a server and need to be able to be avalible to everyone on the Local network.
The command I used to make the link is -
vFileLocation =...
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