oh, forgot to say: I tried exmerge to move the boxes from server2 back to server1 and it doesn't work. In the thread1.log I see: user wk has his mailbox on server2 so it is moved from server2 to server2.
I have 2 Exchange 2003 SP2 servers on WS2003 SP2.
I moved all the mailboxes from the old server to the new. (hardware update)
But I cannot get the ESM to work on the new one, so I want to install the new one again.
So I try to move everyting back (via the old one's ESM).
Then I get the error...
I know from practice that practice <=/?> theory.
Thus this is what I should (and am) use(ing):
USE [almanak]
/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[actie_uitgevoerd] Script Date: 04/04/2008 10:54:20 ******/
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[actie_uitgevoerd]...
Thanks for pointing out the problem I created.
I will fix it so it will work on multiple updates.
The thing is in my environment the database is only accessed through an application that can only update one record. On the left part of the screen there is a listbox with items and on the right...
I have this code so far. It works although the dateformat has to be made dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss
USE almanak;
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = 'actie_uitgevoerd' AND type = 'TR')
DROP TRIGGER actie_uitgevoerd;
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[actie_uitgevoerd]
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Been busy with it too long already.
I want the trigger only to fire when a_uitgevoerd has changed from False to True so I can fill in the date/time in another field in the same record.
a_uitgevoerd is a bit field, the date/time field is a varchar. There is a...
I have a trigger that shout fire when 1 field in the record is updated. So I dug up this for a test:
USE almanak;
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = 'actie_uitgevoerd' AND type = 'TR')
DROP TRIGGER actie_uitgevoerd;
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[actie_uitgevoerd]
This is my triggercode:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[disable_delete_klanten]
ON [almanak].[dbo].[almanak_klanten]
declare @archive int ,
@mod_by_whom varchar(20)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result...
I want to allow users to be able to delete a record for 2 or 5 minutes. If they add something completely wrong or twice or so. I already have a trigger on delete that doesn't allow deletion, unless by me. The database is normally accessed through an application over which I have no control. I...
to onpnt: SQL Server 9.0.2047 (Express version)
to SQLSister: (newbie question)is the delete buffer already filled before you delete? You say use instead of trigger.
I have written a trigger that saves a record in an audit file when the record is deleted. I want to save *ALL* records, but I cannot find how to save type [TEXT].
I get the error: "Text-, ntext- of image-kolommen kunt u niet gebruiken in de ingevoegde of verwijderde tabellen." in english: You...
But where should the if@@ be? [I'm new to SQL and try to
get a trigger working. 1st checking what's here :-) ]
-- 8< ------------ 8< --------- 8< ---------
-- make sure we use the correct database:
USE TheRightDatabase
-- drop the trigger if it exists:
IF OBJECT_ID ('tblUpdate','TR') IS NOT...
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