I'm running in to a problem..
Set oElements = oIE.Document.GetElementsByName("var1")
'1 is the field for app ID
Set oElement = oElements(1)
oElements.Value = Ref
the last line of this code errors out sometimes and states
that the object value is set to nothing.
I got this to work in EB
Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olmail = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olmail
.To = "Address you are sending to"
.Subject = "Your Subject"
.body = "Body Text"
End With
But i'm...
Oh also that code on the web page, for me its
<select name=”var”> <option value=''>Choose Option</option>
<option >Complete</option>
option >Incomplete</option>
<option >Incomplete - Need Call</option>
CreateObject works fine. I’m now running into another problem.
oSelect.Text = camp
oSelect2.Text = "Incomplete"
I have two select fields. One is for camp and the other is the status (oSelect2)
The camp is all numbers. So I have that working just fine.
However the status(oSelect2) are strings...
A list box is a "select" tag. With a list box you'll also have to enumerate the oElement.Options.Length and do a oOption.Selected = True to change the item selected."
i'm a bit confused on this part acutally still. Not quite sure how to go with this.
Hello, New to this site. Just signed up :D
i've been browsing the forums and i found a whole bunch of information i can use at work with Extra! personal client 6.5
What i haven't ran into is how to send information to a website.
At work we have a site that we enter what we completed.
Lets say i...
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