There aren't any indexes on the columns. This would certainly increase the efficiency of the queries, I just think it's a little odd that the left join approach doesn't work at all.
The query you provide does run, but is really another form of the first one, right? An inner join expressed...
Using MySQL version 5.0.45, I have the following problem:
FROM student_completed_section stud
inner JOIN curriculum_unit cur
ON (stud.curriculum_id = cur.curriculum_id
AND stud.unit_id = cur.unit_id);
Shows an explain plan which indicates a simple select on...
Here's a user defined function that I created. Assuming you have permission to create a user defined function, you should be able to add this to your database and then use it like so:
select * from dbo.create_table_from_array('your list here','your delimiter here')
Big-picture problem: for a single training session, select a single trainer (though there can be more than one trainer). If there is no trainer (possible) select an alternate trainer or training coordinator in that order.
Specifics: I've been able to accomplish this by placing a subquery in the...
Very interesting. I'll definitely be exploring the use of these Commands.... I think I noticed that menu option before, but have never tried them out.
In my particular case, I was pulling a field that is from a database view that was setup specifically to limit the list of values already... so...
OK, I guess I spoke too soon. Restarting -seems- to have eliminated the error. Oddly, the report wasn't working properly even when I moved it to the webserver and my ASP reports portal, so something was definitely wrong with it, though it could have just been caused by my computer being confused...
Here's the error, found through debugging with VisualStudio:
Unhandled exception at 0x012ac991 in crw32.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Interesting. I now receive what I think is basically a null pointer exception and CR crashes when I actually apply these parameters. I can get the full list into the list of values... but I'm not sure that I can actually utilize the resulting parameter. Still investigating...
What kind of a command can you use to populate the list?
I'll take a stab at finding that registry setting. I don't see any particular reason to limit that list of values (obviously I wouldn't want to put a million values in there... but my list isn't -that- long!).
My values...
Is there a maximum number of values that a parameter is able to have? Specifically, I'm interested in creating either a static parameter or dynamic parameter that has a very long list of possible values from a database. However, in both cases the list of values gets cut off around "S" and...
Here's the code that I use:
Option Strict On
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
'Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Net.Mail
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private report As String
Private reportDoc As...
IdoMillet: I've also noticed the difficulties you mentioned concerning viewing/forwarding. This seems to be mainly due to the limitations of the Microsoft Word HTML parser, which is commonly used (you can turn it off, I think) for email composition with Outlook and is also used to view emails...
To do this, you will have to implement a "push" method in your VB code. Basically, depending on the user credentials provided, you will build a DataSet object from the correct database. This is not possible in Crystal alone, but using a VB distribution of Crystal, this is definitely possible. In...
Hmm, I tried it out and still no luck. What happens with the page_unload event is that it is called on each page transition within the report. So, if the user tries to navigate to page two of the report, an Invalid File Path error is generated as the report document has already been closed out...
Thanks very much for the quick reply! I'm using VB, but the code you posted is easily translatable. I think my mistake is likely in part due to my not closing out subreports. Most of the reports in my distribution don't have subreports, but the few that do tend to have either a large number of...
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