Hi There!
I'm writing a GUI that uses the WaitBox (http://search.cpan.org/~bpowers/Tk-WaitBox-1.3/WaitBox.pm), and am wondering if it is possible to modify the state of the cancel button. Basically, I want the button to be initially disabled, until 2 seconds have passed. I know how to set up...
I was wondering if anyone knows how to move a dialog box pop-up to a specific pixel location on the screen. Right now I only know how to move the dialog box to one of the four cardinal directions (n,s,e,w), however I don't like how the box then is hugging the edge of the screen. Here's my code...
I was just wondering if anyone knew if you could add a second button (aside from the cancel button) to the perl Tk module WaitBox. (It can be found on the cpan at http://search.cpan.org/~bpowers/Tk-WaitBox-1.3/WaitBox.pm .)
Any suggestions??
I was just wondering if anyone knew how of window management options for the perl Tk module WaitBox. (It can be found on the cpan at http://search.cpan.org/~bpowers/Tk-WaitBox-1.3/WaitBox.pm .)
As it is now, the wait box pops up in the middle of my screen, but I'd like it in the bottom...
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