thx for the help Jack :)
I'm actually running my code on win2003 and the input I'm getting is from MVS mainframes. The "function char" sorted out my initial problem so now the only one I have left is getting confirmation that the data I receive is in fact what I originally thought it was...
PHV: I used the char func and it looks like it's gonna work! It doesn't return the correct char, in this case "y", but it does stick to the sequence.
when I pass 168 thru this function it returns "x" which is in pos 167 so all I'm gonna do is add 1 to my decimal before getting it's char.
Glen: The program doesn't compile, doesn't even return valid errors, when I try and move a text char like "y" to the comp-x field.
PHV: thx bro, I'll have a look.
I move an ebcdic char (hex A8) to a pic x comp-x value h"0" field which returns it's decimal value 168. I need to convert this value, or any other 3 digit value back into a pic x ebcdic character.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
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