??? :-p You're not speakin my language. :-p
I'm not a programmer per say. I'm a dba that does all the database design work and stored proc creation for sql server, so it'd have to be something within sql server. Ie. I'm hopping there's a way to do something similar to "make it a required...
Say i have a table with an xml field. this xml field contains it's own pseudo table, so is there a way to force data entered into new records of the main table for this xml field to use the same structure? hmmm sounds confusing... example:
INSERT INTO email_column (xColumn) VALUES (
for simplicity sake I'm going to dumb this down and hope I can apply it to the more complicated situation I'm am looking at.
I have a dataset with 3 fields: customer, date, dollaramount
I want to gather the dollaramount in 4 week intervals for each customer.
ah, figured out how to get asp files to work ....now I'm getting errors...Can you see where?
set strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=srvr1.strtc.com;Initial Catalog=oen;Trusted_Connection=yes";
set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
I'm still doing something wrong and I can't figure out what. when I open the .asp file using fire fox it renders a table with no data and shows the code that's supposed to be connecting to the database as text on the page. kinda like it dosn't realize its supposed to be code but rather thinks...
hmmm, not quite working yet, but I'll keep trying. Mean time I obviously can't put usernames and passwords in the source of my page, so how do I code my page to grab the stuff from the asp file?
haha, monksnake you're the man! :-p
so, since the example are in ?asp? looks like I'll be using asp. :-p
So, with the example below, how do I get it to work with my data..ie can i just through it in notpad save as test.html then open it with fire fox to see it? ( I tried this and it...
I've a ton of experience with sql server, but next to nothing with creating web pages and I want to learn. For me I've always learned easily from examples so if anyone can give me a super basic code example from start (assume i have the stored proc already) to finish (able to see the results...
I'm not very savvy with web design and it's been while besides. I would have used frames to create my page, but have been reading a lot of negative stuff about them so I'm trying to get help finding a better way, or if frames are ok then help with that. pretty basic site, menu on top, menu on...
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