I have a button in my work book, that is attached to a VBAmacro that runs a couple of modules and inserts the data in the desired celss, so this is the last part to the project
Help please!
I have a cell c8 in sheet1 whose value is from the result of the maxnumber in a table in sheet2. How do I insert in c9 in sheet1 the value in columnA in sheet2 corresponding to the same row the maxnumber was found? Basically in sheet2 column A represents dates so I would like to...
I have changed the range to cell reference instead of naming the range. to
My problem now is this range refers to a range in a different worksheet, ie(data) to the one the result is going in to ie(answer) So ewould I have to call the
"=worksheets("data").range min(b2:k1829)
Thanks Skipvought and loomah.
You were right I had the wrong spelling of the worksheet name. Now My code runs with zero as the annswer, but that is not the minimum value in the specified range.
I have just started learning VBA and I have an error coming up "subs cript out of range error)
I just have 2 workesheets in a workbook, one with a table of numbers, and I'm trying to get the minimum value within teh range and insert it in cell d5 of the previous worksheet. here's my code...
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