I am trying to display the contents of the cell based on a condition.
I have a state column,store column, two retails column of two months, say Jan and feb and a change column.
Now i am trying to display the state based on the change column.
If there is no change in retail, display the...
I have a huge data about 5000 rows.
I have the filter on.
Now I want to use the count and sum functions just for the filtered data and when I change the filter condition, the function should relect the change too.
Thanks for your response in advance and I really appreciate the time.
I did use that code. But it still would fill in the cells with empty rows.
Since I am checking for cells with empty rows, the X tend to fill in the D column.
I want the autofill to stop when the empty row begins.
Hope I am clear.
Thanks again,
It gives me a run time error 424 and stops.
When I tried to run the macro, it made me to remove . next to Range and UsedRange.
Anyways, appreciate your response.
Thanks so much for your response.
When I tried to use it, it gave me and "Object Required" error.
I am so sorry for asking the basic questions but I am just a beginner. Should I be using just .UsedRange or something else to it?
Thanks again.
Right now I am using this code.
Sheets("GM TYLY").Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
I am using a couple of macros to automate in my spreadsheet. I need to copy the formula and fill the entire column till data is found. Right now, the macro is filling, but it is going beyond the data rows and filling in for the empty rows too.
Can someone help me please.
Thanks and...
My apologies to all of you for not giving you the details.
I am running a report on excel for products quarterly. So for every product I have data for 6 quarters. Now some of them might be discontinued, some of them new.
I have a macro which calculates the formulas and sorts the data range...
I want the macro to check for the rows and make changes in the inserted column.
I want to include this in the module that I have already created. And its not for 2 rows, more than 100 rows.
Thank You.
This is my first day and first question here.
I am trying to check a cell with a "X" if there is no data in the other cells.
For example - if c5=0 or j5 = 0, then I want X in B5.
I have this in the module.
sub name()
But this didn't work.
Can someone help me with...
This is my first day and first question here.
I am trying to check a cell with a "X" if there is no data in the other cells.
For example - if c5=0 and j5 = 0, then I want Xin B5.
Can someone help me with the steps? I am trying to write a module so it can be done automatically.
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