MajP, thanks for your suggestions.
The thing is that I am using Excel as frontend, and Access as backend (access only contains certain data)
Only part of the data on the Excel sheet is saved/retrieved/updated etc in Access BE.
So (I assume) synching access db cannot be done from Excel?
Hi, I am not sure if this helps, but this is how I connect to mySQL database from Excel and works great
(hidden file so they can't copy it and take it, although anyone with enough knowledge would be able to change the variables and use it anyway....)
Also I...
Ok, I thank you for your comments
MasterRacker, you've confirmed what I was afraid of...that Access runs as good as your WAN links (in our case, our WAN links are not very fast...)
bubba100, I wish I could use MySQL (or SQL Server) to do the job, unfortunately because of IT limitations, I...
I have a back end-front end MS Access database which runs perfectly and very fast on a local server (several PC's linked to a server, all in the same office)
However if I try to access same db in another office (we have 10 offices around the country) to do something like a simple query, it...
Amazing !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you thank you thank you !!!!
You made my day!
Yes, you are right, I should have tried to be more clearer from the beginning, I am sorry.
Once again, thank you.
the reason is because as soon as a new price is received, the price substitutes the old price
For example, on the 1st oct I receive this rate:
1, PEPE JEANS, 01OCT09,31DEC09,$1000
Then on the 10th October I receive a new price (same supplier, same validto date):
Hi there, thanks for your input.
The option you mentioned doesn't work unfortunately.
The problem is the VALIDTO >=mydate
As per my example, note that the Validto date is always the same for all rows (31.12.09)
Therefore if mydate = 15/10/09, using your query I will get 4 results back:
1, PEPE...
Hi, thanks for answering
the "valid" fields are datatime fields
I just put them on this message as DDMMMYY so it would not confuse people which use different formats.
i have the following records:
1, PEPE JEANS, 01OCT09,31DEC09,$1000
2, CK, 11OCT09,31DEC09,$850
3, PEPE JEANS, 10OCT09,31DEC09,$800
4, CK, 12OCT09,31DEC09,$800
5, CK, 20OCT09,31DEC09,$800
6, PEPE JEANS, 01NOV09,31DEC09,$750
So I need to do a search by...
ok thanks Bong
I was using DOS before, but I just wanted to use Excel as it is "easier" to manipulate than DOS files (and looks more professional when running too)
PHV, I mean the VBA code, that I've checked for possible bugs/errors, but I found none...everything runs smoothly when I run the...
Hi there
I have a VBA routine which copies files from my local server to several servers using FileCopy.
For some reason the routine seems to "lock" Excel, and if you try to click on the Excel page, it goes blank (although it appears the processing still happening on the background)
If you...
SkipVought: Yes, I only wanted the filtered records into the array, however the loop not longer works...
If no filter is applied before transfering sheet data to datarange array, the loop works fine (but much slower than I need because it contains too much data)
Gavona: thanks for your idea...
invdataClient = UCase(DataRange(l, 1))
If InStr(invdataClient, UCase(clientname)) Then
if in the datarange the "clientname" matches, then I want it to do something
This code worked fine, when the whole data sheet was selected (the original code I posted), but now it doesn't
basically once the filtered data required is in the "datarange", I want it to go and compare the variable CLIENTNAME
If it is found, then some information from the "datarange" is copied accross to a different sheet
So it needs to "loop" through the datarange as many times as there are...
Hi and thanks for replying
Your code seems to work however I now get an error when "processing" the datarange "array"..
The error is on DataRange(l, 1)) (error is "9")
I am not to sure how the "Datarange" asignment works...I thought it creates a copy (in memory) of the data I choose, then I...
Hi there, I hope someone can help
I use the following code to copy a whole excel table to a "datarange" , then I loop through it looking for data, etc
I use this datarange for Read only, there is no changes needed to the info.
DataRange =...
that works great (approx 2 seconds to find the last row of data !
Thanks so much !
i thought you meant to loop like this:
for l=1 to 40000
if range("A" & l).rowheight>0 then
end if
next l
My knowledge is VBA is quite basic....sorry !
thank you so much !!!!
ok thanks, the problem is that there are 40000 rows....if I loop through all 40000 testing if rowheight is 0, it simply takes too long.
This is why first I filter the records, then from those shown I look for the info I need. When I filter I get the info almost immediately, then what I need to...
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