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Search results for query: *

  1. techinvt

    Adding a second DHCP pool

    We have the configuration below set up in a 3560 switch. We are running out of dynamic IP’s in the current pool ( – We have a new set of IP’s that we can use ( – – an additional 512 addresses). Although I can figure out the commands to add a new...
  2. techinvt

    getting a macro to work in an xla

    cluless: I don't see anything in the add in manager... combo: Can you clarify a little bit? It sounds like you're talking about what I need, but you didn't provide enough detail for me to really follow what you were talking about so I could try any of it. Thanks
  3. techinvt

    Automate click in internet explorer

    Can you give me the web address and tell me the frame so I can look at it?
  4. techinvt

    Automate click in internet explorer

    I'm not sure how to automate a mouse click, but if it's the same frame every time couldn't you just access it by number? For example: window.location.href = "www.microsoft.com" For i = 0 To window.frames.length - 1 MsgBox window.frames(i).title Next would show you the titles - I've...
  5. techinvt

    getting a macro to work in an xla

    So I have created this long involved macro that finally works. I created a new toolbar, put a button on that toolbar, and pointed the button the the macro. Everything is good. Now I want to save it as an xla so I can just put it in everyones excel startup folder, but I'm missing something...
  6. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    errr.... "gleaned" that is. 1/2 my vb errors come from fumble fingers lol
  7. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    Well, thanks to everyone for all the help - I was able to cobble together a working program with lots of research and info I gleamed from the replies here.
  8. techinvt

    VB6 Installed on Windows 2000 professional problem

    In windows 2000 there is always a "domain" - if you are not on a network (or are on a peer-to-peer network) then you log into the "local domain" - which is the computer. So when it says the domain is not available, it means the local domain - i.e. the computer - has issues. Windows 2000pro can...
  9. techinvt

    VB6 Installed on Windows 2000 professional problem

    Also, refer to this Microsoft support article - it references the error you are getting and the situation (getting the error after software install and reboot) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/244671 Hope it helps.
  10. techinvt

    VB6 Installed on Windows 2000 professional problem

    Wow, that's a new one on me. I assume that you are on a peer-to-peer network, not domain? If on a domain you could try logging into the domain instead of the local computer. Also, if you have a good backup (just in case) and a Windows 2kpro cd (NOT a "system restore" CD as supplied by HP or...
  11. techinvt

    redirecting a web page / XML

    I have a VB6 program that I have managed to make submit data with XML, and get a response back. Part of the data submitted is a user name and password, and part of what I get back is a URL to redirect to. I can't just copy and paste the URL into IE because when I do it gives me a user name...
  12. techinvt

    redirecting a page

    I have a VB6 program that i have managed to make submit data with XML, and get a response back. Part of the data submitted is a user name and password, and part of what I get back is a URL to redirect to. I can't just copy and paste the URL into IE because when I do it gives me a user name...
  13. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    OK, so I'm starting to get a handle on this and I'm working my way through some XML tutorials (having a hard time finding them that deal with VB6 not .net - maybe that's why I got the idea it would not work with VB6). Now for the BIG favor - As I have worked VERY little with .net and not at all...
  14. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    Nimroduk: Thanks! Strongm: Well ya, I figured that, but somewhere in the back of my head I had the idea stuck that you could not work with XML with VB6 - don't ask me why. So like I always tell my students - 'Better to ask the question and have people think you are stupid then not ask the...
  15. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    nimroduk - Is that code VB6 or VB .net? If VB6, and specific modules or anything have to be installed / called? Thanks
  16. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    I looked, but ASP seems to be a server side thing to dynamically construct web pages - unless I completely missed something, this will not help get get information from the web page on the user side?
  17. techinvt

    getting information from Internet Explorer

    Is there any way to retrieve information from a web page? I am working on a program that submits information to a web site and that part works fine. But after I submit the information the web site responds by bringing me to a NEW page that displays a message that basically says "OK, the...
  18. techinvt

    getting 451 block.blars.org is a DEAD LIST, remove from your config!

    I created a new profile on my wifes computer and it did not go away. I then VPN into a system at a customers and set up a profile THERE - and it went away. I spoke with my ISP and they had me switch my SMTP port from 25 to 587 - and the problem went away. So apparently Comcast was blocking or...
  19. techinvt

    getting 451 block.blars.org is a DEAD LIST, remove from your config!

    All of a sudden this morning I cannot send mail. I can RECEIVE just fine, but can't send. I am using Outlook 2003 and when I try to send an email (through either of the email accounts I have set up in Outlook) I immediately get an undeliverable message as follows: Your message did not reach...

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