I have a MOM database that had some issues over the weekend and is now coming up suspect. I have the db in emergency mode and when I run dbcc checkdb with or without repair options I get the following error message Could not open FCB for invalid file ID 0 in database 'OnePoint'
The log files...
I have two servers using a shared MSA500 in a failover cluster. I am thinking about installing IIS on both nodes and then a web application on both nodes and then using Windows NLB to load balance the websites. If I have a server hardware failure and the SQL cluster fails over I will still...
I executed the statement to change the file size on my datafile to 200000MB from 40000MB. The statement is still running and has been for 30 minutes but when I look in Windows Explorer the size of the .mdf has already changed to the new size??? I guess SQL is allocating all the pages.
Is there any reason to not do the following.
I have an MSA500 with a 600 GB datafile drive for a databae that is going to get quite large over the next few years so instead of having it autogrow I am going to allocate 550GB to the database and turn off autogrow. Is there any SQL server 2000...
So you don't see any problems with me loading both nodes of the existing SQL cluster with IIS and then copy the web content to each server, installing and configuring WLBS. I guess my question is... Is it ok to do this on the existing two node SQL failover cluster without disrupting any SQL...
I have a windows 2003 cluster with one SQL 2000 clustered instance. I want to add a website to this cluster. I have a 500 MB partition on a 136 GB physical drive for my quorum. Would there be any problems creating the website out on a new partition on the 136 GB quorum disk?
I have available...
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