First, I'm french user of Indesign CS3, so excuse me for my bad english.
I'd like to get the index of a word in a textFrame when the selection is an insertion point that is placed in a word. I tried this in javascript (I suppose there is a textFrame that containts some texts):
I search a means to load a personnal set of keyboard shortcuts at the start of Indesign in vbscript or javascript. I don't find any method or propertie in the object model that should do that. Is it possible ?
Thank you for help.
Br Scubilion
See the following thread : thread818-1360977
Congratulation to Guillermo : his code is very usefull, because Indesign documentation doesn't tell you how to select and display a page when scripting in Indesign.
Br Scubilion
I'm trying to programm a search/replace tool and I can't change the active page in order to display the text selected by my search tool.
How can I do that ? I tried to use the function "Mydocument.select(mypage)", with mypage=myselection.parent.textframes(1).index , but it doesn't works...
thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, unless I am mistaken, there is no update for Brisque L2.
I'm affraid that the solution is to change the RIP.
frère Scubilion
Yes, but I can even find scitex website and his support center ! I've posted a message on prepressforum to know about it and I'waiting response. As you know, the problem is that CreoScitex have been buyed by Kodak.
If you have this adresse, I'll be happy.
Thanks for your fast answer.
Frère Scubilion
I have a problem when I flash an Indesign document to our RIP Brisque 2. It's the first time we use this RIP with Indesign.
Previously, we used to flash with Pagemaker 7 and it works well.
With Indesign, the Brisque rip the document, but it expose only one colour, the Cyan.
I know...
Yes, it is that which I would have liked to do but I would not have thought of doing it like that.
I will try to do this in VBscript, unless you have a script to propose to me ?
Thank you for your fast and relevant answer.
I would like to create two columns of text in a paragraph. Is it possible to do this with Indesign in VBscript or Javascript.
Thank for your response.
Frère Scubilion
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