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Search results for query: *

  1. networkwoes

    Returned information is not the same as displayed in the table

    I have a Access 97 database that contains a date/time field. When I open the table and view the data it shows the entry as "5/2/03". However when I query the database using the .IDC files via the web interface it returns the entry as "2003-05-02 00:00:00". Can anyone tell me...
  2. networkwoes

    Access Field Validation Rule for Date and Time

    I have a field that I want to contain the Date and 24hr time. But I am having trouble enforcing the format. I am using a text field because I could not modify a date field to look the way I wanted (finished input should look like 12/25/03 2330 CTZ). I have a rule that sort of works but allows a...
  3. networkwoes

    can perl capture screen output from a 3270 session?

    Hi, I have been asked to try and write a program that will log into a mainframe system and capture information about orders. This script will be on a LINUX box, and I believe that I can write the portion of the file that will log into the mainframe and pull up the order and display the...
  4. networkwoes

    How can I do a replace inside of " " useing a regular expresion?

    I have a file that is a comma separated file with “ “ around each field. One of the fields has a comma inside of the field and I need to replace it with a space. Below is a sample entry before I have done anything to it, and the second is what I want the entry to look like afterwards. They are...
  5. networkwoes

    Do I need a list, scalar, array, or hash???

    Ok, here is the deal. I have what I think should be a VERY easy task, accompanied by a brain freeze. What i need to do is to exctract the highest and lowest date from a file and assign them to two variables. The file I am working with has three columns and the second and third columns are...
  6. networkwoes

    how do you split on a / ?

    Thx, that did the trick!!!!
  7. networkwoes

    how do you split on a / ?

    I need to split a date into three parts... month day year. The date currently is in this format 10/12/01 and I am trying to use the slpit command, but do not know what the correct syntax is to tell it split on the /. $PsaDate = split( /(/)/, $Temp[1] ); I know this is an easy one, but I...
  8. networkwoes

    How can I change a imported dates format?

    I have written a script that imports a flat file which contains several dates on each line. The current format is YearMonthDay or 20011231 and I need to change then to MonthDayYear or 12312001. Each date is being handled as a variable such as $Line[0]. I was thinking I could split the string...
  9. networkwoes

    How can i create a file name based on a variable?

    ok, this will create a file with the name I want it too, but it is in the directory that the perl script is in: ($ss, $mm, $hh, $DD, $MM, $YYYY, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $Year = $YYYY + 1900; $Month = $MM + 1; open( OUTFILE, ">csch $Year $Month $DD.csv") or die...
  10. networkwoes

    Perl Netowrk File Path Syntax

    Problem solved......... problem turned out to be releated to DOS. DOS could not access the dir name of AA&T due to the &. Renamed the DIR to Automation and it works fine now.
  11. networkwoes

    How can i create a file name based on a variable?

    I am trying to create a file called CSCH.CSV on a daily bases and want to include the date in the file name so that it would look like CSCH 20011129.csv but have been unsuccesfull in doing so. I have the date stored as a variable and am able to print it fine. However when I try to create a file...
  12. networkwoes

    Perl Netowrk File Path Syntax

    I am running perl on the d drive of an NT machine, and I have a text file that I want to open from a novell network drive that i have mapped as a G drive... could anyone tell me the correct syntax for this???? open( INITIALS , "G:\aa&t\Flat_Files\initials.txt" ) open( INITIALS ...
  13. networkwoes

    Networking with DOS

    I am looking for a resorce to teach me how to create a DOS boot disk that will allow me to do a "net use" command to map a network drive for the purpose of ghosting. I am using ghost 2001 and do not want to have both PCs booted up in DOS. I know there are several programs that will...

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