Hello all
I'm loading external vars from a txt file into texboxs. I also have movieclips that might be visible or invisible.
The problem is that I want to be able to have cases when some especific vars are loaded, a case in wich nothing is loaded and another case for everything else.
What I...
I will do like u told me but for now the problem is with the positioning of the movieclips but let me show you the big picture:
I have several friends that go abroad all the time. Im creating a fla to see where they are.
When they are out somewhere, I register him/her on an excel file and...
Ok, u were right. The problem was with the txt file. I didn't have the & at the end of each variable.
I now have:
I still have some questions though. The code you gave me works fine with one textbox and one...
I need some help from you guys. I don't have much knowledge of Actionscript yet so my question might be simple to
I have a fla with a dynamic textbox instanced as box_txt and a movieclip instanced as movie_mc. Then I have an
external txt file named text.txt with only one var: &stat...
I've tried to use the Kenneth code and it works fine but I still have a problem. I need to change both x and y coordinates, so I tried the following but nothing happened:
myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
box1_txt.htmlText = this.friend1...
I'm kinda new in actionscript so I need your help on this. I'm trying to create a swf that gets vars (friend1;friend2;local1 and local2) from a txt file and insert it on the textboxs (instanced as box1_txt;box2_txt;local1_txt and local2_txt).
So far so good. I managed to do that with the...
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