In the first query that retrieves the ticket information, just fix the cfsqltype to match the datatype of the Ticket_ID column in your db table. For example, if column type is "integer" use cf_sql_integer, etc.
WHERE ticket_ID = <cfqueryparam
I think that only way that could happen is if you're running a different update statement than the one posted, or if all of the records have the same ticket_id value. Turn on debugging. What is the exact sql statement generated ?
Also "numeric" isn't a valid cfsqltype. Take a look at the...
Yes, you would.
The query should use the URL.ticket_id value to get the information for the selected ticket. You can then output the query values in your form fields (textboxes, etc).
<cfquery name="getTicket" datasource="yourDatasource"
SELECT ticket_ID, date_created, employee...
Modify the link code slightly. Close the anchor tag and use "=" between the parameter name (ticket_id) and value (#ticket_ID#).
<td align="left"><a href="update.cfm?ticket_id=#ticket_ID#">#ticket_ID#</a></td>
Odd. Did you try a resize only test with two images? I typed this quickly so check the variable names carefully.
<cfset myImage = CreateObject("Component", "iEdit")>
<cfset myImage.SelectImage(pathToTestImage1)>
<cfset myImage.scaleToFit(250,250)>
<cfset myImage.output( pathToTestImage1...
Are you saying the resize code works on a single image, but not for multiple images.. or that resizing doesn't work at all?
Also, does the component allow you to read/write to the same file name? Some components force you to use a different name when resizing.
What a pain in the neck you are! Just joking ;) IMO posting a resolution is a good thing, even if you solved your own problem. Never know when it might help someone else.
Anyway, can you post the version of CF you are using? Maybe someone can try the code when time allows. They might be able...
Unless you're using the VAR scope, using a scoped variable should work, or you can use a conditional loop
<cfset variables.count = 0>
<cfloop from="1" to="15" index="variables.count">
<cfset count = count + 1>
<cfoutput>the count is now #count#<br></cfoutput>
As an aside, shouldn't your query be ..?
<cfquery name="getObsv" datasource="#app.ds#">
SELECT a.observationnumber, a.observation, b.eventbegan, c.agencyname, e.sitename
FROM observations a, inspections b, agency c, inspsites d, plantsites e
WHERE a.eventid = b.inspectiontid...
The first thing I noticed is you're using overwriting the value of form.filename1 on the second upload. Also, the file names aren't guaranteed to be unique so you could overwrite the file that was uploaded and renamed in step 1
I don't think you should be using CLOB here. Likely you should be...
In all recent versions you can use array notation to both set and get the values
<cfset variables["Delivery_"& x &"_"& y] = "some value">
<input value="#variables['Delivery_'& x &'_'& y]#"
name="delivery_#x#_#y#" type="text" size="4">
Either extract the parameter from the URL structure, or use list functions with a delimiter of "="
#ListRest("question10=blah", "=")# ...or
#ListLast("question10=blah", "=")#
Yes, but afaik you cannot use it on "value" or "display" of a cfselect that uses "query". You have to format the "value" or "display" values beforehand (ie in the sql query)
I thought UK was dd mm yyyy? ie day of month first
Anyway, when using the "query" attribute you have to format your values before-hand (ie in your sql statement).
I don't know what db you're using. Check your docs for formatting functions
MS SQL - convert()
MySql - Date_Format()
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