I'm trying to move frame with option buttons on it during runtime but only bottom line of the frame is moving. I'm using properties me.frame.top=1440 and me.frame.left=770.
What is wrong?
Yes, it works different(?!) but still not right! I have problem not with triggering event but with boxes which should move in the place of each other but they wont.
I have a label on the form for which I'm setting location"
Me.lbl_lname.Top = 1500
Me.lbl_lname.left = 2000
now I'm saving this code, running the form and checking how does loock. Next in the code I'm changing position to:
Me.lbl_lname.Top = 750
Me.lbl_lname.left = 1000
I was asking about before but I still don't know why I have a problem with width of the form. At design time I created form with width=5" and at run time I want to change its size to 10". Me.width=14400 sometimes is working sometimes don't. Is there other way to change width of the form which...
Can someone please take a look at this piece of code? it is driving me crazy! All I want to have is three text boxes moving up as user is typing info in these textboxes, when cursor/active box stays in the middle of the form. For some reason it does not work as I want to. Here it is:
How to use KeyPress methode in run time. I have a form on which I'm creating textboxes in run time. When user enters data, he is using ENTER key to jump to the next textbox. How to assing KeyPress method to the just created tsxtbox so it will working with ENTER key (13)?
Thnak you for any help...
I need advice on changing few textboxes properties at once. I have 10 textboxes: textbox1, textbox2,..... textbox10. How can I change width of textbox2, textbox4, textbox5, textbox7 and texbox9 at once? Can I somehow replace # with variable in MyForm.textbox3.width=150
Thank you!
I'm creating for at run time:
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = CreateForm
frm.NavigationButtons = False
frm.Width = 500
why I can remove navigation buttons but not size??? Can someone help me with that?
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