i've try this
but it's not run
when the father dead , the child (finded.pl) died;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbname", $user, $passwd) or
die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";
my $req ="select * from folders where tmp='SL'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($req);
I've script a.pl who call another script b.pl in background like this,
exec ('./b.pl &');
if i use system for calling script a,
if a.pl failed b.pl failed ?
If i use exec, if a.pl failed,
b.pl continue to run;
It's that ?
I've made this script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use English;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $madate1 = strftime( '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', localtime );
my $madate='22/10/2008 12:00:00';
if ($madate le $madate1)
print "ok\n";
print "ko\n";
my script is like this
foreach my $var(@list_var)
my $return = system('./test.pl -i $var &');
i want to know the pid of the script i run with in system,
to know if this script is end or not;
because the $return variable return 0 instead of my script test.pl is always...
I've a script;
in my script a call a unix command,with qx;
how can i do to get the pid of this unix command ?
if i make a "print $$" i've got the pid of the script perl i've run but not the pid of the command;
Can you help me;
I'use MIME Lite for sending mail,
i want to print a message if the mail is sending or not;
How can i do, to have the return code and know if the mail is sending good;
Thanks guys
yes he is in the same directory
i find the problem, it's run good
if i want to send another mail to another person with another subject,
i must declare a new
I've this script who must send a mail with joining a log file;
this script run good on windows,
on unix i've an error , the script attach the log file,but the log file is empty;
i don't understand why i'va no data in the joining log file or i've data in the log file;
my script
Hello ,
I've try but i've not arrived to make a hash in parameter in a function;
I've try this
sub test{
%values = @_;
sub test{
%values = %_;
but it's not run,
can you help me please;
Thanks everybody
I've a machine on windows, and i want to connect on a database oracle on a server unix;
For using perl DBI and connecting to the server,
I must install a Oracle client on my windows pc ?
Thanks for your answers
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