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  • Users: furan
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  1. furan

    modify UI process block

    Yep, I've read that. After doing a bit more research I see that Microsoft have supplied an IView and an IViewManager interface as well as implementations of these for: WebFormView WebFormViewManager WinFormView WinFormViewManager WebUserControlView but.... strangely, no implementation of a...
  2. furan

    modify UI process block

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone here had any experience using the Microsoft UI Process block? I've been using it for a while, but have come across a situation where i'd like it to work with User controls (ascx) rather that server pages (aspx). I would think you could simply provide a new...
  3. furan

    ASP.NET Portals

    There may be a more relevant forum for this post - if so then please redirect me, it was the closest I could find. Question: I previously worked in J2EE and am looking for comparable ASP.NET portal software. Previously I've used Websphere portal etc. In all my searches for .NET portals I've...
  4. furan

    Hi, Not sure if this is the correc

    Hi, Not sure if this is the correct forum, but is my first post - so feel free to redirect me... Here's the problem. I've created a webapp packaged as a war, to run it needs to access a property file which contains information for the different app servers it may be deployed on (Websphere...
  5. furan

    Frameset event capture for siblings

    Thanks UNIMENT, wasn't aware of the captureEvents bit. Now that I am it has sorted it out fine!
  6. furan

    Frameset event capture for siblings

    Hi, I have hundreds of pages with hundreds of acronyms on them. All of these and thier definitions are held in a database. Users can select an acronym (document.onclick()) and an ASP popup will appear giving them the def.... and that works fine, thing is I have a frameset with three frames in it...
  7. furan

    A JS popup problem

    Don't know if this is too helpful or if it'll make any difference as I don't have Navigator here but there is the Window.setResizable(boolean) method for Navigator 4 which might set it to do what you want???
  8. furan

    passing values in and including HTML

    ok, got that... can anyone help further I now have an HTML page which calls my asp page like so: href="PrintRequest.asp?var1=tp1700&var2=tp1701 and I'm trying to include these files in the asp page and then print them... trouble is I can't get the include statement to loop... is it possible...
  9. furan

    passing values in and including HTML

    Ok, I've not really used asp before but i think it might have the ability to solve a problem I'm having at the moment. I'm trying to create a single page to replace the 50 or so I have at present... here's the situation, I have a bundle of HTML pages which contain diagrams. When the user...
  10. furan

    powerpoint and HTML puzzler

    .... so you can't put live HTML into a powerpoint slide at runtime then by using a link? ? ?
  11. furan

    powerpoint and HTML puzzler

    All, I have an intranet site that I'd like to present in a very definite order (plus some VBA to spark some bits up). The site mainly comprises of schematic diagrams..., problem is that I'm constantly updating them and they get out of sync. Is there a way to tell powerpoint that the source for...
  12. furan

    inserting HTML file into an innerHTML mouseover?

    OK, I have a diagram which calls mouseover texts to display HTML i.e HTML <Area coords=&quot;x,y,z,a&quot; onmouseover=&quot;textFunc()&quot;> JS function textFunc() { document.all.divdisplay.innerHTML=(&quot;<p>Hi</p>&quot;); } This works fine but the text I am displaying is a duplicate...
  13. furan

    100Mhz / 133MHz FSB. Processor and memory Q?

    All, I've set up my new pc a while back but on reading some stuff in forums I need to know if I'm going about this the right way. I have : 1.2Ghz Athlon, 256Mb SDRAM, GeForce2 64Mb On the POST screen as the PC boots i get the processor quoted followed by (100MHz * 12.0). Is the 100MHz the FSB...
  14. furan

    dynamic DIV background image

    All, I've been creating a kind of mouse over tool tip which uses javascript to position a DIV near the mouse and used div.innerHTML to display the appropriate text. Problem is that I would like to keep the theme of the rest of the site which involves a background image to this (previously...
  15. furan

    Determine if scrolling is required ....

    All, I am maintaining a bundle of pages which have all had an icon tagged to the bottom which redirects the user to the top of the page i.e. xxx.htm#Top. This is all well and good when the scrolling is required but it looks a bit dumb on pages with only one or two paragraphs on them. Is there a...
  16. furan

    Moving DIV with background image

    quick apologies . . I have managed to fix it . . syntax for the image was wrong and in the simplified example i gave it wouldn't work because the DIV was hidden . . no mouserover . .doh! thanks anyway
  17. furan

    Moving DIV with background image

    All, I'm trying to create a DIV which will appear when an onmouseover event is fired and will have a background Image displayed with some text on it. I'm getting some really weird behaviour and not sure how to solve it... I've simplified the example below ... when it is loaded you will see that...

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