I've been using Query Analyser for that, but the column names are quite peculiar.
Anyway, I've almost cracked it. After LB's question yesterday I've discovered that each policy for each customer seems to have an Id, so their first policy is 1 and so on. This may sound obvious but there are...
I asked this myself but didn't receive a satisfactory answer, besides the order in which the transactions appear -- which appears to be unreliable.
In the absence of a data-dictionary, schema guide or any form of support, I'm testing a theory that one of the many strangely-named columns...
Hello there,
I am attempting to create a report on some insurance transactions, which consist of a main policy transaction along with some add-ons (such as breakdown recovery, legal expenses cover, and so on)
The main issue with the data is that per customer, the add-ons are listed as separate...
That's because it's attempting to parse @Sales from within the scope of the EXEC(@SQL) command, but it hasn't been defined in there.
You'll need to concatenate it like you did with @DATEFROM, @DATETO, etc.
Incidentally, this happens the other way round too -- if you define and set a variable...
Sorry, I should have said:
The first case will include records from 'ta' against *BLANK* (i.e. completely null) records from 'tb' which DO NOT match the NULL clause, because of the left join.
I'm not a Crystal expert, but I've looked at this in pure SQL terms.
You should try experimenting with simpler test cases, so that you can see more easily what's going on. For example I broke your snippets down as follows (these ones are actual code though)
select *
from ta
left join tb on...
Ah, I see. The Crystal 'document' icon on the window threw me on that one - the calendar popup has an IE icon, but of course I hadn't seen it at that point!
Thanks again, now I can sleep peacefully.
Just the ticket, thank you very much!
Although I can see how IE changes system-wide settings, I'd never have dreamed of firing it up to fix a Crystal problem.
It happens with the Start > Run dialog as well - if you enable 'Inline Autocomplete' in IE, it affects that too. Crazy...
I am new to Crystal but have a programming background, we are running Crystal XI ( - I guess this is R1?).
I have created a report which prompts for a static date parameter (although this happens for any type of parameter). I have linked the parameter up using the record...
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