I finally got it to scan and print without the plus + sign between characters. I had to reprogram my scanner to "Enable Code 39 Full ASCII". Sorry for wasting everyones time. Anyway my barcodes in Crystal Reports are working now.
Thanks for the Business Objects document but I had already looked thru it and still can't get my crystal barcodes to scan in with a + symbol between letters. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If I format the field without a formula although it prints the barcode it won't scan in at all. Going back to where I can scan in some barcodes when using a formula and setting the font, when scanning in a name in a db field that contains a char value like Barker what appears when scanned to a...
After I added the formula Barcode39Ascii() and added my db field after saving it I went to format the field and selected Code39WideI for the font. I guess my real question/problem is that after I print out the report and scan that field with a barcode scanner it displays with all the alpha...
I appreciate the suggestion, unfortunately I installed azalea's software and barcode fonts and I am using crystal 11. Under additional functions I don't have stringtocode39(). What I do have is Barcode39Ascii() which when I enter a db field within the parentheses will print a barcode but when...
I have a working crystal report and have barcode fonts. I have alphanumeric fields in my report and need help in converting an alphanumeric field using a code39 barcode. Can someone offer assistance?
Thank you for replying.
I need to setup a formula to be used on a barcode and the end-user needs it to show in a 24 hour format. If this was a char field and not a datetime field I could parse it out in a formula. If I use the custom format the barcode will return it in a 12 hour format.
I have a datetime field that although I can set the custom datetime format to 24 hours I need to create a formula to show the datetime as a 24 hour value instead of using the custom format option. For example in sql server the data returns mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am or pm. I need help creating a...
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