Remou; Alternatively, the union query looks ok. How would I go about creating a PK to use as the 1-side in relationships? After the initial creation of a table HorsesStable, could I turn it into an append query that runs once there any new entries in either table? Thanks!
Okay. (I do have the table Races ~as shown.) I don't get this part:
If I understand correctly, it looks like you have combined MyHorses & OtherStableHorses and created the table Stables to keep them separate. Sok but the fields of the two tables are completely different, like metric vs...
I don't think so. The two tables with 5-fields each & (data types). They have the field FunctionID in common.
*MyHorsesID (AN)
TypeID (T)
FunctionID (N)
WeDontUseNames (T)
OtherHorsesID (AN)
TyCode (T)
1st, thanks for responding. What if the PK of Resultant table is particularly central and used in many relationships? I just read briefly about union queries and it seems that might work. Are there clear-cut limitations or restrictions on use of the new PK? or probably on use of the two FKs? Thanks
I need guidance to combine 2 nearly unrelated tables into one new "Resultant" table. The PK of the Resultant must point to a record in one or the other of the two contributing tables. If my Resultant table includes as FKs, PKs from the contributing tables, then won't each record in the Resultant...
Thanks for your response Duane. I thought I needed them to set focus on the correct field in underlying table; apparently not. It worked wo those 3 statements. I made a couple of other changes because I was re-writing the same record. So it now seems to run okay as the following...
Access 2007. Disclaimer: I'm new at this.
I have frmCVBook based on tblCVBook both of which have 6 fields; 4 are visible in the form and 3 require user input for use later in a macro. There are no records yet. The dimmed variables strLOC, intREPS, and strREMARKS are assigned values via...
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