Leslie, thanks for your continued interest and help. I am at home now and unable to try your latest suggestions but was interested to see if you had replied to the thread.
I am going to go into more detail here and give some examples of data and expected results.
First some tables with sample...
Thank you Leslie.
I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on it today but when I did I couldn't make your sql work. After working on the punctuation I got an error message indicating a syntax error in the FROM clause of the last join. I didn't have enough time to work that out.
I am...
I've checked the threads and the faqs but haven't been able to get my query to work right.
The basic sql is:
SELECT DISTINCT T.AcctNum, T.Date, T.Time, T.SiteId, CDbl([Qty]) AS Qty1, tblAccountDiff.EffectiveDate
FROM (qryTransactionFieldsForQueriesWithPriceDateAndDiff AS T INNER JOIN tblPrice...
I am exporting to Excel sales information and would like to automate subtotals in the target worksheet. Can anyone advise me how to do this?
Thanks, Bear
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