OK here is the follow up. Simple.
The path environment variable settings had been corrupted. I had checked the rather long list there and missed this. There was a %SystemRoot% phrase in one of the paths that was culprit. Can't say as how it got there, but there it was. Delete that and...
OK, I've got it running.
I tried a bunch of stuff that you all suggested, but what I think got things running was to delete all the path info from the environement variables (I saved it first). I did however previously create the FoxTmp directory, but the subst command wouldn't work in the...
Thanks for all your thoughts. The app is only installed in Program Files and ther are not mistaken paths. I've checked the path under environment variables under System properties to make sure it was OK, and even added a path direct to the app directory just to make sure. No dice.
I'm getting a similar error after insalling a program called SiteMaster built on VFP. After installing when I run the program I get the program error window with the statement "Invalid path or file name." If I ignore then I get the Microsoft Visual FoxPro error window as follows: Fatal error...
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