Ok,I have had a chance to play around with this for a while and it revealed even more that is needed to do a valid comparison.
I have a wageclass that is made up of a number that looks like this
024 is the class
*0* is placeholder
10044 is the julian date based on fiscal year...
Ok, I can see how this converts todays date to Julian but what about an existing database field that is used in a view?
Something like this???
declare @d datetime
select @d = employees_class.position_status_date
select datediff(dd,0,@d)
I have a date that I am wanting to convert to a Julian date to match up with another field that is stored in another table. I am having some problems seeing how this function from Novick Software works.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_DT_ToJulian (
@Date datetime -- Date to convert to Julian...
Hi JackVam.
I changed this to use a function rather than a sproc. Now I am able to get the data that I need but I am prompted twice for the same parameters that are in the main form. I thought that is what I was eliminating using this code.
Is this the code you are looking for:
Private Sub...
What do you mean by the call?
This data is called when the form opens. The main form is populated from a sproc. There is currently no VBA in this form.
Please clarify.
I added this to MS Access Forum when I thought this is more of an Access thing that SQL Server possibly.
Here is what I added to the record source field in the properites of my subform. Is this not the right place to add this?
Me.Recordsource="Select * From dbo.PopulatePayTypesandHoursSummaryByDateRange(" & Me.EnterEmpNo & ", '" & Me.@EnterStartingCheckDate & "', '" & Me.@EnterEndingCheckDate &...
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[PopulatePayTypesandHoursSummaryByDateRange]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))
drop function [dbo].[PopulatePayTypesandHoursSummaryByDateRange]
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.PopulatePayTypesandHoursSummaryByDateRange
I have a function that I am calling in a subfomr. I am getting the error: Insufficient number of arguments were supplied for procedure or function.
When I run this in SQL it returns exactly what I want with the exact same parameters that I am entering in Access.
Please help.
I managed to get this into Access but now I am getting the error: Insufficient number of arguments were supplied for procedure or function.
When I run this in SQL it returns exactly what I want with the exact same parameters that I am entering in Access. I will also add this one to the...
I created a table function and that allowed me to pass the parameters into the dataset that I needed. Now all I have to do is figure out how to call them in my Access form. Any suggestions?
Problem, I am prompted twice for the same parameters. It makes sense because both sprocs are using the same parameter information but it would be nice to find a way to pass that parameter so the end user does not have to enter it twice.
I have a form that is populated with a stored...
This may be a crazy question, but I have been beating it around in my head for days as to how I would possibly do this.
Is there anyway to convert this into a view with a given date range that will change on execution of form?
Maybe there is a way that we can get this into a view, but I am not...
I got what I needed to do by placing the above items in a view verses a stored procedure. Once they were in the view I was able to link on the respective fields and retreive the data that I want with one prompt.
I am not sure that I follow you. I have a form that is based from a sproc. When the form is opened the user is prompted for the parameters. It populates fine but it just prompts twice for the same parameters. The second set is for a sub report that is created from a view. How do I get the...
I am not really familiar with using the HAVING clause. How would I incorporate that into my script? I still do not think that this will take care of the problem that I am having with being prompted mutlriple times for the parameter when called in MS Acces.. SQLSister was onto something...
I am calling this from an Access adp file. I have a form that I created which when launched prompts for parameters that populates the record set from the stored procedure.
Here is the sproc that I created:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_PayTypesandHoursSummaryTtl
@EmpNo int
,@Year int
, phptc.year
, phptc.pay_type
, pt.description
, NULL AS...
Thanks for the quick response. This gets me about half way. I thought I would be able to do this in two separate steps but maybe not.
Whole story:
I am creating a view that will hold this information.
CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_PayTypesandHoursSummaryTtl
I have this query which sums the hours and gross earnings. I want to add TtlHours and TtlGrossEarnings to this same view but I am not sure how to do it. Seems like I should be able to do something like SUM(SUM(phptc.hours)) AS TtlHours being that is what I want as a result.
Here is the query...
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