My COBOL program is using the XML PARSE statement to parse a string received from a unix system. After each end-tag there is a string of characters Hex'254040' which is a line feed and two spaces. However the parser instead of skipping past these 'white-space' characters, is returning them to...
I've added a transaction into the Program List Table (PLT) so that it is run when CICS is started, however when it runs it fails on a DB2 select statement SQLCODE=-805 Plan Access Error. Then the transaction runs again and this time it works! Two questions;
1. Why the bad SQL return code on the...
If a CICS program reads a VSAM file with the update option, updates the data, rewrites it and continues with further processing, does the record remain locked until the next syncpoint or is the updated data available to be read (for update) by another CICS program after the first program...
The problem was caused by the JCL used to run the program using the runtime library for our previous version of COBOL instead of the Enterprise version. Doh!
We have recently installed Enterprise COBOL for Z/OS and I have been exploring the XML commands PARSE and GENERATE.
Whilst I have successfully used the PARSE command I have been unable to get the GENERATE command to work even on a most basic example. See below;
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